Go through Home Staging Tips - Number 1 - Bathrooms far more

Odor Eliminator Candles

The Bathroom has to be one of the least glamorous rooms of a house; but, the potential impact it can have on a prospective Buyers' decision to buy can be huge.

In response to a recent study where Buyers were asked what conveys cleanliness to them when looking at a potential new home, their response: "The Kitchen Sink, the Laundry Room and the Bathrooms."

You will notice a recurring theme throughout these tips: CLEAN! And, I'm not talking your once-a-week surface cleaning...I'm talking DETAILED CLEANING.

So, arm yourself with the following list of supplies and products and follow me to the bathroom:

- Gloves
- Sponges (I use three different ones: one for the sinks and surfaces; one for the toilets; and one for the tub/shower
- Scrub brush
- an old Toothbrush (great for corners, along baseboards, around the toilet base, and grout)
- Paper Towels
- Bathroom Cleanser (preferably one with bleach; a disinfectant - I like Soft Scrub)
- Glass Cleaner (e.g., Windex)
- Clorox Bleach Pen (great for cleaning grout)
- Zap Restorer and Cleaner (removes rust, iron stains, calcium deposits, hard water stains, lime scale, soap scum, mold and mildew, and ground-in dirt on porcelain, fiberglass, tile and grout)
- Easy Off - BAM (for shower doors). Use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to assist with tough spots.
- Gonzo Odor Eliminator (Absorbs smoke odors, eliminates musty odors caused by mold and mildew, and, helps with pet odors, too! All-natural, odorless, non-toxic volcanic crystals are environmentally safe for pets.)


- Floors
- Walls
- Ceilings (knock down any cob webs)
- Door (both sides) Exhaust Vents
- Tub (make sure to run the jets in the tub to make sure there are no surprises)
- Shower (clean the grout)
- Shower Doors
- Sinks
- Faucets
- Toilets
- Vanity Drawers and Cabinets (inside and out)
- Mirrors
- Windows (inside and out)
- Screens
- Window Treatments (consider removing them altogether; or washing and ironing before putting them back up)
- Shelves/Built-ins
- Linen Closets (inside and out)


Complete any outstanding projects (improvement projects).

Wallpaper? Remove it! Why? Wallpaper is considered a custom decor choice; and, will rarely be the choice of the Buyer.

Patch all holes and cracks in the walls.

Paint walls a neutral color. Avoid white for the walls. Instead, choose a soft (universal) color.

Touch up any wood trim. Trim, ceilings and doors should be white. Using the same trim color throughout the home is preferable.

Wash all windows (inside and out, as applicable).

Replace outdated light fixtures.

Replace pitted or tarnished faucets.

Consider replacing the hardware on the cabinets for an inexpensive (but, effective) way to update the look of a bathroom.

Re-caulk, as necessary.

Remove all cleaning supplies from sight. If the next-best-place for them is under the Vanity (arrange them NEATLY in a container).

Vanity Cabinets should be neat and organized: Clutter-free.

Linen Closets should be tidy: Make sure the contents are appropriate to what should be in a linen closet. APPROPRIATE: Bath Linens (towels, washcloths); Bed Linens (sheets, pillow cases); Bar soap. INAPPROPRIATE: Clothes; Food; Craft supplies.

Tuck all wastebaskets away (place under the Vanity, if possible). When the house is shown, the wastebaskets should be emptied of all debris and lined with waste liners that "fit" the size of the wastebasket.

Remove family or personal photos.

Put away all toilet brushes and plungers.

Remove all toilet and tank covers and take up all rugs.

Remove items typically found on the floor (e.g., scales, hampers).

No personal items should be in plain view. These items should be collected and placed in a basket that fits easily under the sink (inside the Vanity).

If you have a "Kid's Bathroom" - I strongly recommend you change it into an "Adult Bathroom." Themed-rooms are a turn-off for Buyers.

Shower curtains should be fabric (preferably, white). No "busy" patterns. I've seen some striped patterns actually work nicely.

Place a full roll of toilet paper on the holder.

If candles are in the bathroom, then, they should be new candles (not ones that have been previously burned).

Place a fresh soap pump at each sink.

Place clean, fresh towels in on every towel bar. Rule of thumb: If the walls are white, the towels should be a color. If the walls have color or a pattern the towels should always be white. My preference: white ones.

Add a touch of green to the room (e.g., potted ivy).

Place all toilet seats in the "down" position.


- Plush, thirsty towels
- Greenery (Bamboo, ivy and palm frawns are a few to consider)
- Grasses/Reeds
- Art/Framed prints
- Soap pumps
- Fresh pillar candles (varying in height)
- Fabric shower curtains
- Roll of toilet papers
- Polished river stones
- Sea shells
- Wicker baskets (for functionality, as well as, staging purposes)

EXAMPLE: A clean, tidy, staged bathroom will create a "spa-like" experience for the Buyer.

Jenn Klarman, SRES, REALTOR® Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc., Annapolis Sales 240-832-2486 cell 410-266-5505 office 410-956-8502 fax jklarman@lnf.com http://www.RealEstateAndBeyond.net

Home Staging Tips - Number 1 - Bathrooms

Odor Eliminator Candles

Study How to Kill Or Break Body Odor Once and For All more

Body odor or smell is not harmful but is hurtful to people around you. Sweat, remains the main culprit. There are 2 kinds of sweat glands. The one from 'apocrine' gland is responsible for the stink.

1. Keep everything hygiene
Did you know that bacteria and other unwanted things can linger upon sweats? Especially, the underarm and groin area. If possible, do wash and clean with soap as often as you can. Using deodorant helps too.

2. Also wash your clothes
Do your laundry. Yes. Firstly, you need to know that sweat can remain in the clothing. As an additional tip, dried sweat an also damage your favorite fabric. Therefore, it is very important to wash off your clothes as soon as you take them off. Stay away from the habit of wearing clothes from yesterday and last weekend.

3. Abuse the antiperspirant
We now know that body odor starts from sweat. So, logically the smart thing to do is to reduce the amount of sweat being produced. Hence, the antiperspirant. This way, almost half or more of the total sweat can be decreased. These antiperspirant are like over the counter drugs, which can be gotten at the pharmacies.

4. If deodorant and antiperspirant do not work
Then go for an antibacterial soap. An example would be 'chlorhexidine or Hibiclens'. If not, use talcum powder or baking soda to ease the problem immediately.

5. Know that diet affects sweat production
Hot peppers can directly affect amount of sweat being produced. Also, some aroma of food can get attached to sweat, like garlic.

Know your enemies and you shall defeat them. Likewise, you should really know about these 5 tips mentioned if you have body odor. Good luck.


Alfred writes on self improvement and provides useful tips about its relevant topics. You can also find him where he has a latest website at [http://www.mensboardshortspants.com/] which helps people find mens board shorts [http://www.mensboardshortspants.com/] and useful information when they are looking for when going for a summer vacation.

How to Kill Or Break Body Odor Once and For All


Read through How to Get Rid of Fabric Stains more

How to Get Rid of Fabric Stains

Odor Eliminator Candles

The opposite is equally true in that you can make everything dirty without making anything clean. Scientific and philosophical ruminations aside, the two basic ways of removing fabric stains, or rather, of moving certain molecules from one resting place to another resting place, are bleaching and dissolving the stain.

The common spots and fabric stains below need not become insurmountable blots. Follow these simple tips to get rid of them completely and permanently.

General Fabric Stain Removal Tips

* Soap and water will get fabric stains out. Most fabric manufacturers recommend using a mixture of soap and water and then spreading lightly (not pouring) it over the affected area. Scrub thoroughly and then dab dry with an absorbent towel. Make sure you dry it as thoroughly as possible.

* Steam cleaning will remove fabric stains. If soap and water don't work, try renting a powerful steam cleaner with a hand-held attachment. Whatever you do, don't use harsh chemicals and make sure you do your best to dry the area you've cleaned. An absorbent powder like baking soda probably wouldn't hurt.

* Dry cleaning; reserve it only as a last resort, but it's a very viable choice for fabric stain removal.

* Keep a special spot and stain remover kit handy. The kit should contain a clean white terry cloth, a white absorbent cloth to see if the stain is coming out, dish washing detergent, disinfectant solution, household ammonia, white vinegar, dry cleaning fluid, bleach, odor eliminator, CLR, hydrogen peroxide, non-oily nail polish remover, acetone, a mop, sponges and a bucket.

You also need a spotting brush, putty knife and a scraper. You will be able to find other products that can make your job easier and work better the more you start removing spots and stains on a regular basis. You will get to use this stain removing kit on specific stains in the next column.

Specific Fabric Stain Removal Tips

* Alcohol stains need to be blotted. After blotting, use a sponge and water on the spot. Next, apply a sponge with vinegar, blot the stain again, and rinse the area thoroughly. You might need to use bleach and hydrogen peroxide if nothing else works.

* Scrape a bloodstain all you can at first. The next step is to blot it with cool water. If there is still a residual stain, blot it with ammonia and rinse well. Use hydrogen peroxide if nothing else works.

* Candle wax can be scraped off with a scraper. Then apply a clean cloth over the spot and take a warm iron to melt and absorb the wax into the cloth. Use dry cleaning fluid to pick up the remaining residue.

* Chocolate stains needs to be scraped first as well, and sponged with dry cleaning fluid. Sponge the spot with detergent solution, blot, and rinse. Use a correct bleach solution or hydrogen peroxide if nothing else takes it out. Blot coffee with detergent solution and then rinse the area. Blot it with vinegar, rinse carefully, and air dry.

* To remove ink stains, sponge them with detergent solution and then rinse thoroughly. If the stain remains, saturate it with cheap hair spray and blot the area. Or try alcohol, acetone, or non-oily nail polish remover and bleach that are safe for fabric, in that order.

* Dry brush mildew on the surface as best you can. Sponge it cautiously with disinfectant solution and blot. Sponge it next with ammonia and rinse. Attack the stain with chlorine bleach if it is safe for fabric; if not, use hydrogen peroxide.

* Mustard and ketchup stains should be scraped and blotted to remove as much as you can. Sponge these stains with detergent solution, then with vinegar or bleach, and rinse.

Remember, if bleaching is going to make the stain disappear, it is going to bring that about within fifteen minutes. Do not bleach a garment for longer than that, for it will make the fabric weak. Color removers are also available, but they tend to remove some of the color from the fabric itself as well.

Want to know more? You can read more tips on How to get rid of Fabric Stains, plus information to get rid of practically anything else that ails you - from bad breath to telemarketers to cellulite - at http://www.howtogetridofstuff.com

Examine Remove Spots and Odors the Easy Way and Keep Your Carpet Cleaner much more

Remove Spots and Odors the Easy Way and Keep Your Carpet Cleaner

Odor Eliminator

Purchasing the perfect carpet is not an easy task, so when you feel like you have found the right one; you want to keep it looking brand new. Well, as close to brand new as possible. Let's face it, carpet is not cheap, and it is the most noticeable decoration in your room.

When there is an accident that causes a potential stain, you want to know how to combat it, and simply make it disappear. Children and pets are the worst mess makers when it comes to carpets. It seems like as soon as you turn your back, there is a new spot that causes you to panic. However, you can relax; there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are several tips and tricks for removing spots, stains, and odors from your beautiful carpets.

When you are dealing with odors, from a pet, cooking, or a smoker in your home, a spray odor remover can work wonders. However, there are some cases where the odor is just too strong for a light sprits, and needs a more thorough remover. Believe it or not, vinegar is what you need.

Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and sprits away the odor for good. It will absorb the smell, and leave the carpet fresh and odor free. When you are dealing with pet odors, like urine, you need to focus on the root of the odor, which is the uric acid. This is what makes the urine crystallize after it has dried. If the urine has dried, chances are it has crystallized down in the pad of the carpet. You can sprinkle the area with baking soda, and brush it deep into the pile of your carpet with a brush. Let it absorb for a while, and then vacuum it out.

If it is a difficult spot, it may take another treatment. In addition, there are some very good odor eliminators on the market specifically designed to remove urine odors. Try one, and see if it works for you. Just be sure to read the instructions completely, and follow them to the letter.

Stains can be a little tougher to remove. Although there are still more stain removers floating around in the market place, you can still find some great alternatives for a fraction of the price.

Did you know that salt can not only help remove a stain, but can make your carpet look brighter? When you have a stain, pour some regular table salt on the stain, and let it soak up the mess, and simply vacuum it away. When you are finished, your carpet will have a fresh new look. Sometimes the stain has gone all the way down to the carpet pad, and you have to treat it from there.

This is when you need to pull up your carpet and work from the pad up. Use a gentle detergent and some warm water, and scrub the carpet pad. Let the dirty water run out of the carpet, and when the pad is clean, use another method from the topside. Using baking soda or salt at this point will pull the stain right on out of the carpet.

Another thing that can cause irritation is the little spots that form when the furniture sits on the carpet for too long at a time. Then when you move it, there are the little matted places. If you place an ice cube on the spots, and let them melt, the carpet will spring right back into shape. If you don't want to wait for the ice cubes to melt, or just don't have time, you can sprits the matted spots with water, and fluff the pile up with a brush. Just be gentle with your fluffing, you don't want to weaken your carpet fibers. That can cause weak spots that can fray. So be kind to your carpets, and keep them looking beautiful for years to come!

Jim Thornton has been cleaning carpets for many years. In that time many methods of carpet cleaning have been used but the best carpet cleaning results have been achieved using dry foam extraction. For more information go to www.bubblesandsuds.ca

Understand Preparing Your Home For Sale - Home Staging Tips much more

Think back to when you were searching for your new home. Do you remember some of the things you were looking for and the feeling you had when you first walked into your home and KNEW this was the one? Take yourself back to those days. Look at your home now as you would if you were the prospective buyer. Follow these tips below to help get your home ready for the market.

* De-Personalize Your Home - Pack up all of your personal photos. Buyers want to be able to see themselves living in that house and it's difficult for them to do when your family pictures are there for them to see. You don't want the buyers saying to themselves, "I wonder what the people who live here are like?" when they should be saying, "I can see myself living here."

* De-Clutter Your Home- We all accumulate a lot of items over the years and when it's time to sell your house, you need to remove as much as possible to allow the buyer to see your house and how much space there is for them to utilize. Remember this - If you haven't used it in over a year, most likely you don't need it and can live without it.

- Pack up all of your knickknacks
- Remove the majority of books from your bookcases and arrange the few remaining books carefully.
- Clear off your kitchen counters. Try to pack away everything you don't use on a daily basis so as to allow the buyer to see just how much space there is to work with.
- Think of this as a head-start on packing and preparing for your impending move.

* Organize Your Closets and Cabinets - Buyers are definitely going to take a peek inside your closets and cabinets. Take time to organize and arrange your bedroom and hall closets. Think about packing up clothing and shoes you won't be using and rearranging what remains so that it's neat and allows your closets to look as roomy as possible. Organize your kitchen cabinets so that they are also as neat as possible. Pack up any pots and pans that you won't be using so when the buyer takes a look, they'll see plenty of room for their items.

* Remove or Replace Items You Are Taking With You- If you want to keep your window treatments, special light fixtures, your porch swing, that heirlooom chandelier, take them down! Now, of course, you will have to replace any light fixtures you remove with something. You can't leave only the wires! Spackle over any holes left where you've removed the porch swing or the flat screen television that was attached to the wall.

* Consider a Storage Unit or Pod - If you have a lot of accent furniture or a ton of 'stuff' in your house, you may want to consider renting a storage unit or an on-site storage pod. You only want a minimal amount of 'necessary' furniture left in your house when buyers walk through. Less furniture in your house gives the buyer the opportunity to visualize their own furniture there.

* Make Minor Repairs - Go through your house and fix anything that's been a slight inconvenience to you for a while but was considered too minor to be much of an issue. For instance:

- Fix any cabinet doors or drawers that don't close properly.
- Replace any burnt-out light bulbs.
- Fix any leaky faucets that constantly drip or won't turn off completely.
- Patch any holes in the drywall, no matter how small.
- Replace or fix any doorknobs that don't quite latch.
- If you have any paint colors that are 'out of the ordinary' consider painting with neutral colors to attract more buyers.
- Replace any missing drawer handles/knobs.

* Thoroughly Clean Your House - Go through your house from top to bottom and clean until it sparkles! Think of it as your Mother-In-Law is coming to visit and you don't want any criticisms!

- Vaccuum your house daily - you never know when a showing will be scheduled and you want your house looking its best.
- Make sure to get all of the cobwebs.
- Clean your windows, inside & out making sure there are no streaks!
- Dust your light fixtures, shelves, ceiling fan and any remaining furniture.
- Consider renting a pressure-washer and clean up the sidewalk, walkway, patio, deck and exterior of the house.
- Get that bathroom to shine! Clean up any dingy grout, re-caulk where needed. Clean out the tub/shower drains. Pay special attention to the toilet area!
- Get your house smelling fresh! You don't want any prospective buyers remembering your house by it's musty or bad odors. By the same token, don't go overboard on scented candles. You don't want the buyer thinking you're trying to cover up something! Use a 'fresh' smelling deoderizer or odor eliminator.

* Re-Evaluate Your House - Once you've done all of these things, go back through your house and view it through the eyes of a prospective buyer. Nit-pick just as you will when you go to buy your next home. Take a look at each room and make sure you haven't missed anything.

* Curb Appeal - The prospective buyer should be drawn into your home by what they see from the outside. If they drive up to your house and are turned-off by how it looks from the outside, how will you ever get them inside to see how great your house is?

- Make sure you keep the lawn manicured. Don't let the grass get overgrown, keep the weeds pulled and the bushes trimmed.
- Water any plants you have, either planted or potted. You don't want any wilted or yellowed plants. Remove any dead plants.
- Make sure the sidewalk or walkway is clean and clear. Leave nothing behind for the buyer to trip over.
- Consider replacing your house number if it's rusted, worn or faded.
- Make sure the trim on your house isn't faded or peeling. If it is, consider painting and refreshing.

If you put these tips to good use, you'll be sure to impress potential buyers.

Odor Eliminator Candles

Bridget Atwater

Realtor® / Broker

Cary, NC

Coldwell Banker

Howard Perry & Walston


Preparing Your Home For Sale - Home Staging Tips

Odor Eliminator Candles

Go through Top Diet For Losing Abdominal Fat - How Good is the Colon Cleanse Diet in Removing Belly Fat? much more

Top Diet For Losing Abdominal Fat - How Good is the Colon Cleanse Diet in Removing Belly Fat?

Odor Eliminator

If you are prone to constipation, urinary tract infections, kidney infections, bad breath, body odor, abdominal cramps, etc, then perhaps your colon may be asking for a cleanse. Some experts say diseases start in the colon. As a matter of fact, it is actually one of the leading causes of cancer death. There is no question to this since the large intestine is considered the fueling station and waste management system where toxins take two courses: a clean one eliminates toxins; a clogged one pollutes the whole body system.

Eating the right foods and drinking ample amounts of water are your best bets in cleansing your colon every day. The question is: What is the best diet for losing abdominal fat? The colon cleanse diet is effective not only in cleansing the large intestines but also in eliminating belly fat. Let's face the fact that, usually, those two come together. Most people not only want their colons cleansed, they also want to get the figure they want so much with the help of body cleansing. If you are one of these many, then there is good news for you.

The Acai Berry Colon Cleanse diet is the perfect solution to both: detoxification and weight loss. The fruit actually needs no introduction; it has gained its popularity through time as one of the world's superfoods. Due to its vitamins, minerals, and nutrient content, it is being promoted widely as a dietary supplement or almost as an all-cure. The fat burning benefits are loved by many as it is unparalleled considering the fact that it is all-natural.

Serving its purpose as a fat, toxins, and chemicals eliminator, the diet works by regulating metabolism, suppressing hunger, draining toxins and wastes deposits from the body, energizing the body, and improving digestion immensely.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Do this with Oprah's Dynamic Duo of Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse by Clicking Here Now!

Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing.

Go through Air Odor Cleaners more


Air odor cleaners are a vital requisite for every household and business. Odors and foul smells are simply a part of everyday life and cannot be avoided. Anyone that has small kids, pets or a smoker in their home can testify to the fact that odors can be quite a nuisance. Since odors are quite unavoidable, avoiding foul smell by using fragrant sprays and other room fresheners will only suppress the orders, and they will soon appear once again. To get rid of them, the odors have to be neutralized, and only then will the air be cleared.

Before purchasing an air order cleaner there are some facts that you should know. For example, the actual effectiveness of an air cleaner depends on the amount of air that the air purifier processes, what the pollutant is and how much is being emitted into the environment.

Air odor cleaners use Ozone HEPA filters and a variety of other methods, singly or together, to help keep the house smelling fresh, clean and odor-free. The ozone HEPA filters use a two step process: oxidation and ionization. Ozone is a naturally occurring gas that abounds in the air, and a purifier splits the oxygen molecules through a process called oxidation. The purifier then ionizes the dust and dirt particles causing negative charges. The negative charges then attach themselves to any foul smelling pollutants floating in the air and carriers them away.

In the newer purifiers, the ionization process makes use of safe radio waves to negatively charge particles in the air through walls and into other rooms. One unit is enough to filter the whole house. They prove effective in eliminating the smells and pollutants from smoke, cooking and any other odors present in the home.

Air Cleaners [http://www.WetPluto.com/Air-Cleaner-Filters.html] provides detailed information on Air Cleaners, Air Cleaner Filters, Electronic Air Cleaners, Home Air Cleaners and more. Air Cleaners is affiliated with Ionic Air Purifiers [http://www.i-AirPurifiers.com].

Air Odor Cleaners

Read through Remove Odor in Homes - Use an Eco-Friendly Odor Digester extra

Every nook and cranny of the house can be a breeding place for molds, bacteria, and viruses. This in turn creates questionable odors that are not only irritating to the nose but also pose serious health threats. These odors must be contained immediately and the most effective way to remove odor in homes is to treat the cause. This implies that a simple application of an odor digester is necessary to provide relief, but it must be eco-friendly and gentle enough not to compromise air quality.

What contributes odor in homes? Odor stimulates the sense of smell, which is activated by molecules floating around reaching the nose and causing a response. Thus, people can distinguish molecules from a newly baked bread, onions, perfume, fruits, etc. However, if these molecules are the by-product of molds, bacteria, and viruses, it permeates the air and causes unpleasant odor to the nose. If the cradle of the odor continues to exist then the odor will continue to stay and linger. Therefore, effectively getting rid of it requires one to strike the source.

How to remove odor in homes? Remember that bacterial infestation is what causes foul odor and any odor digester has the ability to provide immediate solution by controlling or eliminating the source. In fact, materials that are capable of absorbing moisture like wood panels, fabric, carpets, and clothes can be actual odor sources. A spilt fruit juice or red wine, dog urine, or smoke from cigars carry molecules that cause unpleasant odor when not immediately cared for.

What makes odor digesters effective in treating odors? Odor digesters are actually geared up for the sole purpose of permanently eliminating odor in homes. A typical liquid odor eliminator contains an enzyme-producing bacteria that speed-up the process of breaking down or attacking organic matter by entirely engulfing the source, leaving it totally odor free. In fact, one trillion of these bacterial or enzyme cultures are present in odor digesters. These enzymes digest all organic matter, even the ones that penetrate porous surfaces, which are the main cause of foul odors and stains.

Remember that foul odors in homes are caused by the proliferation of bacteria, molds, and viruses. In addition, removing these odors to restore that fresh and clean air requires one to eliminate the source. Thus, you must meticulously search for it and when found, apply or spray it over with a hefty amount of odor digester to control and eventually eradicate the problem.

Once again, use only eco-friendly solutions to eliminate unpleasant odors in homes so not to cause pollution and compromise air quality.

Odor Eliminator

Being in top level management for over 10 years, Greg Nowak understands how important it is to cut costs and manage office supply expenditure as effectively as you can. That is why Greg recommends Northland Wholesale for your wholesale office supply requirements.

Get fast shipping times and great prices for odor digester products. Find all the office products you need in one convenient location online that is http://www.northlandwholesale.com.

Remove Odor in Homes - Use an Eco-Friendly Odor Digester

Odor Eliminator

Read The True Cause of Odor Problems far more

Odor Problems are caused by the Normal Stuff of Life.

Kittens and puppies don't arrive in homes housetrained. Mold and mildew like to grow in damp, dark places. Food spoils inside refrigerators. Garbage and other disagreeable things accumulate in floor-mounted heating ducts. Not everyone hits the proper target in the bathroom. In other words, unpleasant odors can take over small areas, large rooms or entire houses.

Removing Odors is Simple

Understanding the source of your odor problems is the key to solving it. The offensive smells you associate with odor are almost always gases released from their sources.

Solve Your Urine Odor Problems

For instance, as urine dries it produces ammonia gas and urea salt among other things. The ammonia gas is what we smell at first, but when this urea salt becomes damp again, it reacts with its surroundings and produces a gas called mercaptan. This gas is the smell you associate with urine contamination. To solve a urine contamination, the urea salt that will dissolve in water needs to removed and the rest neutralized so there is no gas. If both of these processes do not occur, the contaminated area will become larger and more deeply imbedded in the cracks and pours of the carpet andflooring. And the source of the gas and the offensive smell will remain. Urine splash around the toilet causes an odor problem if left to dry as just described. So to get rid of the odor problem, wash the splashed area and spray it with an effective odor eliminator

Solve Odor Problems caused by Mold

With mold and mildew, the actual mold spots and spores that float around the area cause the musty smell. But water invading a dark space is the actual cause of the mold and mildew. Thus solving the odor problem involves stopping the source of the water invasion, then removing the mold, mildew and spores.

Refrigerator Odor Problems

Mold can also gather on food forgotten about in the corners of refrigerators or on food left to spoil in turned off units. This mold and other foul-smelling bacteria infect the entire internal atmosphere of the refrigerator. Simply discarding the food and ventilating the refrigerator is not enough. Every part of the interior, such as the shelf mounting brackets and the door gaskets, needs to be treated to eradicate the source of the odor problems in the refrigerator and thus the odor problem itself.

Other Household Odor Problems

Another source of offensive odors comes from trash, food, urine and other materials that find their way into the duct work. Worse, these odors are then transferred into your breathing air by the heated or cooled air flowing through the ducts. Cleaning the ducts is thus essential, and cleaning out the joints in the ducts is critical. The joints contain much of the material causing the smell, so everything, including the grates, needs to be cleaned and sprayed with an effective odor eliminator

Most serious odor sources take weeks, months or years to accumulate. So, expecting to squirt some magic chemical mixture at the contaminated area one time and vanquish the odor problem is not a realistic. It takes a combination of time, effort and the right product to eliminate the odor problem. You have to provide the time and effort and use the right product.

Odor emilimation products that work do so because they treat the source of the problem rather than masking the smell by introducing a new, more pleasant odor with sprays or candles. Another ineffective odor solution desensitizes the olfactory senses to prevent any odor from being perceived. Effective odor removers will bond with the odor atoms or absorb the smelly gases. There are some odor removers that work by combining these two techniques.

In summary, to solve odor problems, you must first treat the source. Find an odor remover that is capable of solving most organic odors permanently and you will be rid of the true cause of odor problems.

Odor Eliminator Candles

To learn more about The True Cause of Odor Problems, visit our web site. Thank you Martin R Meyer Please visit the OdorXit's web site

The True Cause of Odor Problems

Odor Eliminator Candles

Go through Gold Canyon Candles additional

Gold Canyon Candles

Odor Eliminator Candles

There are numerous companies out there that market candles and many of them are quite good. These companies market everything from pillar candles to jar candles, but do they give you great quality for the money you spend. In some cases they do however, as a candle junkie, I can honestly say I have never been more impressed with candles as I have been with Gold Canyon Candles.

There are many reasons to go with this company over others. The have dual wicks, a wide range of scents to choose from, and all at a great price. Although there may be other candle companies that provide fine candles the reasons above and outlined below make purchasing from them a simple choice.

As I noted above, many of these candles have two wicks which is one great benefit. Two wicks have become increasingly popular for many reasons. Some of these reasons include cleaner burning, longer use, greater fragrance, and of course the light that is emitted. With cleaner burning there are fewer residues at the bottom of the jar, therefore making it more pleasant to look at. Due to the two wicks they burn evenly which is one reason why they burn longer.

They also have a large line of scents to choose from. Some of these scents include a home-baked line, boutique chic line, an outdoors line, and many, many others. The scents from these different lines range from strong to soft, so no matter what your personal preference is you can find a pleasing scent. By having such a large line of aromas to chose from you can find a scent to fit your personal needs. Due to the vast array of scents, choosing the correct candle for any occasion is easy as well. Due to the wide line of aromas you will always be able to find at least one you like, in reality you will probably find 20 you enjoy.

Not only can candles enhance a room with a great aroma, but they also serve as an odor eliminator. Richly scented candles are top picks for anyone who smokes, has pets, or just has a general need to remove odors in any environment. With richly scented candles, many times they will remove the odor instead of masking it. Also, the aroma will stay within a room long after the candle is put out.

A final great benefit o is that they are reasonably priced. In today's world finding quality for the money you spend is always a priority. When candle shopping, you can run into cheap candles that, although light up a room, may not be pleasing to the senses or burn long enough to justify the price. Being able to purchase a candle that burns cleaner and last longer at an equal to or similar price as others on the market is one huge reason to go with Gold Canyon's Candles over any other.

To find out more about Gold Canyon Candles go to: http://www.mygc.com/richlyscentedcandle Jenny is an author and entrepreneur.

Study How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor That You Have Had for a Long Time - Great Tips for Immediate Relief much more

Here are some EFFECTIVE vaginal odor cures that will get you on the relief track FAST. Look, if you're embossed and frustrated because of your vagina smell, then you need to just take personal interest in treating yourself. Take 2 minutes to read this article to learn about how you can take charge of the way you smell and get rid of vaginal odor almost immediately.

Vaginal Infections

The most common cause of vagina odor is vaginal infections. You can get vaginal infections through sexually transmitted diseases, by having oral sex, having unprotected sex, and having multiple sexual partners. If you haven't had sex, even then it is possible that you have an infection. This can happen to virgins who frequently wash the vagina which by itself is a self cleansing organ. Making use of douches too can result in infections. For normal vagina hygiene, washing the labia with plain water twice a day is more than enough.

Leftover tampon

Many a times the foul vagina smell is a result of a leftover tampon which you may not have removed at the end of your cycle. Remember it is essential to change your sanitary protection at regular intervals even if your flow is light. At the end of your periods do REMEMBER to remove the tampon


Women who sweat excessively in the vaginal and groin area must take necessary steps to ensure that moisture does not accumulate in these body parts. Wearing underwear made of cotton fabric is best to address this issue. Apply powder which has cornstarch instead of talc in the area where your legs join your pelvis. You must also trim your public hair short.


Another feminine odor cure which is really effective to get rid of vaginal odor fast is apple cider vinegar. Mix apple cider vinegar with a quart of lukewarm water. Use this as the final wash to cleanse your genital area. You must use this remedy only once a day subject to a maximum use for 10 days.


Want to get rid of vaginal smell permanently? Did you know a) There is a proven natural technique which will help you to get rid of foul vaginal odor in just 3 days b) Developed by a chronic sufferer, this scientific method will permanently relieve embarrassing vaginal odor in 3 days. To get rid of chronic odor click - bacterial vaginosis bv

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor That You Have Had for a Long Time - Great Tips for Immediate Relief


Understand Home Selling Tips to Get Your House on a Buyer's Shortlist additional

Odor Eliminator Candles

In today's market, it's challenging to sell a house or any other piece of real estate. In addition, the longer a home stays on the market the less likely it'll attract viewers and offers as people will wonder what's wrong with it.

Most buyer's are looking for basement bargains while seller's need to get the best price they can to make it worthwhile selling. If you're going to try to sell a home right now, you need to realize it's a buyer's market. But there are things you can do to increase your chances of getting reasonable offers. These home selling tips are valid in any economy but need extra emphasis in the current economic climate.

Beyond the importance of the design and sound structural elements of your home the next most important selling point of your house lies in its aesthetics.

A clean and well maintained property can make your home memorable in the eyes of a buyer. The fact is people are viewing more homes before making a decision and you want your home to remain uppermost in the minds of potential purchasers.

The first impression of any house is the yard and exterior. Mow your lawn, trim bushes and trees and pull up unsightly weeds. The last thing you want is a potential buyer driving off before seeing the inside of your home because the outside scenery is a mess.

Fix up the exterior and make it look neat - this sends the message to buyers you care about your house and more likely to have kept on top of repairs. Talking of repairs when was the last time you painted outside or power-washed the siding or cleaned the glass on the windows? Flaking paint on the trim is unsightly and easily cured with a fresh coat. Finally, put stuff in its place outside.

Inside go to work on a thorough clean. This doesn't mean do your regular once-a-week clean but break out the big guns and clean every inch of your home. Make anything that can sparkle blindingly shiny, get your tiles professionally washed and your carpets steam cleaned.

If you've been experimental with paint colors on your interior walls then consider repainting a neutral color such as white - and this will also give your house that extra new feeling. Buyers tend to think how much work they'll need to do when they move in, and not having to redecorate immediately because they can live with the colors for awhile will be viewed positively.

As with the exterior make your interior neat as well. A place for everything and everything in its place is a cliché worth remembering before showing your home. Most houses have odors and a few well-placed odor eliminator plug-ins will go a long way making the house smell presentable. Just don't go overboard on sweet-scented candles everywhere as buyers will wonder what you're trying to hide.

The goal behind these tips is to show the potential of your home to a prospective buyer by seeing it in the best possible light when viewing. This will make it memorable and more likely to surface to the top when recalling the homes they saw and help make it to their shortlist and finally a fair offer.

Bill McCormick is an experienced real estate agent and owner of a Re/Max Executive Realty office covering the market in the metro-west Boston area. Bill specializes in Homes for Sale in Upton, Mendon, Milford and Grafton Massachusetts towns. His website has more tips for house sellers and buyers and also moving tips and you can find them at: http://www.billmccormick.com.

Home Selling Tips to Get Your House on a Buyer's Shortlist

Read Vaginal Odor Relief - Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Without Medicines! a lot more

Vaginal Odor is one of the common symptom for bacterial vaginosis. This odor is extremely common among millions of women. If you have a thin yellowish or grayish vaginal discharge accompanied by an unpleasant fishy smelling odor, in all probabilities you must be suffering from bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial Vaginosis is not a dangerous condition, but it can cause symptoms that disrupt a woman's quality of life. You need not to get worry but you should take several steps and follow some simple instructions to get rid of vaginal odor.

Vaginal Odor relief can be done using natural ways; some of them are given for you to know;

Make use of Yogurt

Soak the tampon with yogurt before insert directly into your vagina. This will help in restoring the natural pH balance of the vagina and eliminate the odor smell fast

Use the Power of Garlic

Garlic contains a powerful anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.You can paste it directly on the affected area in order to sterilize the BV.

Avoid Wearing Synthetic Fabrics like Silk

Wear underwear made of cotton instead. Cotton panties will help the skin of the vagina breathe freely, and help in keeping it dry.

Avoid milk your daily diet.

Take cider vinegar tablet after meal may also be helpful in eliminating fishy odor.

Stop Suffering from Fishy Vaginal Odor

Want to get rid of Bacterial Vaginosis bv permanently? There is a proven all technique developed by a chronic vaginosis sufferer, which relieves vaginal odor in just 3 days. Know more about this technique by clicking http://www.BVCures.org

Sarah Winn is a former sufferer of bacterial vaginosis herself, this is a subject which is close to her heart and one which she knows is curable, providing women are willing to take responsibility for their own treatment.

Vaginal Odor Relief - Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Without Medicines!


Study About Foot Odor: What Is Foot Odor? extra

About Foot Odor: What Is Foot Odor?


Foot odor is among different types of body odor that afflicts people. Foot odor is something that many people are plagued with, but still they do not discuss it in their polite conversation. Foot odor not only makes one antisocial but also unpleasant. No doubt it is marked as a sign of bad foot hygiene. There are many things, which one can do to get rid of this problem.


It is an embarrassing and unpleasant situation for many people having smelly feet. A number of people suffer from this problem without realizing the cause and treatment of it. This bad smell is caused in feet by wearing socks or shoes without proper ventilation. In medical terms foot odor is known as bromhidrosis. This odor comes from bacteria that multiply in warm and moist feet. Our feet have a lot of sweat glands, which perspires. The perspiration on feet contains many chemicals, which produces the smell with the interaction of these bacteria.


The most common type of foot odor is caused by normal sweating due to poor hygiene. Another type of smelly feet is bacterial foot infection. This odor can be treated by medications and herbs. Fungal foot infections also one of the cause of this odor. Overactive thyroid and anemia can also be a cause of smelly feet.

How To Stop Foot Odor

There are some easy ways through which one can keep the bacteria away from the feet and can get rid of this bad smell.

Dry & Clean Feet

One should keep feet clean and dry. One can use soap and water to clean feet. Those who perspire often should wash their feet several times a day. One should dust the feet with talcum powder to prevent foot odor.

Socks & Shoes

The bacteria breeding and odor comes for the socks and shoes usually. It is suggested that one should change and wash the socks frequently to reduce bad odor. One should wear the stuff that allows feet to breathe. Plastic and rubber shoes don't allow feet to breathe whereas leather shoes and cotton socks are better.


One should soak feet in a warm vinegar bath every night. The proportion of the vinegar bath must be in one ratio two. One part of vinegar should be added into two parts of warm water. Soak feet in this mixture for minimum fifteen minutes. It is an excellent natural remedy to fight against the stinky feet smell.


One can also use antiperspirant on feet before putting on the shoes. An important thing to note here is that one should use antiperspirant for feet. One should not use deodorant for feet. The antiperspirant helps to stop the smell and sweating of the feet.

Black Tea

Another remedy that one can use to avoid stinky feet is to soak the feet in black tea. Strong black tea has the ability of killing bacteria and it also helps in closing feet pores. Add black tea bags into a pan of boiling water and seep it for at least ten minutes. Soak feet in this tea, after it has cooled down. Soak feet into it for minimum ten minutes.

Odor Eater

One should also buy an odor eater to reduce the bad odor from the shoes. One can find a number of sizes and types of odor eater insert for the shoes at pharmacies and drugstores. These odor eater inserts contain active charcoal, which helps in absorbing moisture of the feet.

Medical Professional

If even by following these simple remedies the problem persists that one should consult a medical professional. This foot odor can be because of food intake, which increases perspiration.

Find out more on foot odor. Understand the treatment and natural remedies for foot odor that can help you get rid of it. Get to know what causes foot odor. Start your day with the aroma of confidence!

Read through Fishy Vaginal Odor more

Did you know that millions of women have unpleasant vaginal odors. The worst thing about it is that most women do not even know the cause . Most men do not mind that natural smell. The smell can make you feel so embarrassed and unclean. The fishy smell can hurt your love life and is the most embarrassing and a lot of women do suffer of it.

What are the causes of fishy vaginal odor?

Odors are cause by an overgrow of bacteria in your vaginal. Overgrowth of bacteria are cause when there is a change in your vagina area. Vaginal odor are caused when there is inflammation in the vaginal area including the outside and inside of the vagina. The way to not get odors is by not changing the balance of your vagina area.

Natural ways to keep your vaginal odor free

You must always have underwear that are 100% cotton. You must avoid all color of underwear except the white ones can be worn. Do not put perfume in your underwear. Avoid wash your undies with fragrance free mild soap. Do not take bubble bath as it cause the vaginal area to change and cause vaginal odor. To wash your vaginal a fragrance free mild soap can be use . Wash your vagina area once a day but do not wash the inside as it will cause vaginal odor. Feminine wash can be used but make sure that it doesn't say on it PH balance. PH balance will cause the vaginal area to change and cause more odors.

The Cure for Vaginal Odors

The biggest mistake that women takes to cure vodor are taking vaginal douche. That does not cure the odors. Douching will only mask the vaginal odor and cause even more odor after a few days and can cause vaginal yeast infection or even worst your vaginal yeast infection. Product like ANZARA and Monistat 3 all leave you vaginal odor free but the odor will return again after a few weeks.

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Fishy Vaginal Odor

Study Odor Control Products - Eliminates Offensive Odors a lot more

Using odor control products is one of the most effective ways to eliminate offensive odors and fill your home and office interior with a pleasing fragrance. Products ranging from air fresheners, dry deodorants, liquid deodorants and odor digesters to fan dispensers and gel packs are now available with online stores. Their vast inventory makes it easy to choose the brand and model you prefer.

Dry Deodorizers for Commercial Applications

The product comes as gel, dry deodorizers and liquid deodorizers. The dry deodorizers come in fresh smelling fruit and floral fragrances like Bayberry, Cinna, lemon and more. They offer full, clear, and robust representations without oily or artificial overtones and are ideal for use in commercial deodorizing applications.

Liquid and Gel Deodorizers

The major cause for foul odor is the bacteria generated from the accumulated dirt. Today, many of the odor eliminator products like liquid deodorizers come with enhanced capacity to control odor by eliminating the microbes causing foul smell. They are available in water-soluble concentrated formulas containing high levels of fragrance, surfactant and bacteria for 24-hour odor control. A popular model, Bio Conqueror 105 can be effectively used with sprayers.

Gel deodorizers absorb odors in the air and convert them to non-toxic, odorless compounds. Some popular models ensure 24-hour odor control for a full 30 days.

Air Freshener Systems

Technological developments have brought great innovations in the field of odor control. Air freshener systems are one such advancement where no manual operations are required. These systems are completely self-powered. Air flow vents and a battery-operated fan disperses fragrance continuously for complete room coverage. You just need to replace their cartridges when the one inside gets over. You can enjoy lasting and effective odor control 24/7. KIMCARE Continuous Air Freshener Dispensers and SeBreeze Adjustable Fan Dispenser Automatic Odor Eliminating System are some among the automatic fragrance dispensers with premium features.

Odor Absorbing Gels

Placing odor control gels in the room are an effective strategy to freshen up the air. With their full strength aromas, they can effectively replace offensive odors that persist in your interiors with enchanting fragrances.


Rydoexpress is a leading provider of janitorial supplies and odor control products. RydoExpress stock a wide variety of Air Fresheners and other Odor Eliminators.

Odor Control Products - Eliminates Offensive Odors


Understand Ginger Helps Control Body Odor far more


You may have been told or read somewhere that if you want to control your body odor that you should stay away from ginger. This is good advice if you want to avoid body odor today. But if you are looking to solve your odor problem in the long run, then ginger can help you, provided you make the necessary changes in your diet.

What is Ginger

Ginger is a natural herb or spice that is mainly grown in the warmer climates of the world, but you can also grow your own in pots right inside your kitchen if you live in colder climates. You can use both the leaves and the root of this spice, but it is the root, which is also referred to as the rhizome, that is most commonly used.

How it Controls Body Odor

Ginger tea is an excellent detoxifier as it contains antioxidants which help to remove toxins from your body by helping the body to break into a sweat. When you sweat, your skin releases the body fluids that have circulated and removed wastes from your body. Due to the antioxidants in ginger, your body will release even more toxins into the sweat, and thus the smell of your sweat will be worse than normal. This is a normal side effect of detoxing, but the end result is great, as once the toxins are removed, you will notice a decrease in your body odor.

Grate about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of fresh ginger and add it to your hot bath water. A hot bath alone will help to sweat out the toxins, but when you add ginger, it speeds up the detoxification. Stay in the tub for at least 30 to 60 minutes in order to make the most out of it.

When you get out of tub, dry yourself and then wrap yourself up in a bathrobe or a couple of large towels and crawl underneath your blankets. You will find yourself soaked with sweat in a matter of minutes as this also promotes sweating, but it is not as hard as staying in the bath tub. Once you are done sweating, you should take a shower to wash off the toxins from your skin.

Adding Ginger to Your Diet

Adding ginger to your diet is not difficult and can be very tasty. Ginger goes well when you juice it along with other fruits such as apples, bananas, grapes, pears, pineapples, mangoes and oranges. You can also use ginger in your salad dressings, in nut milk and smoothies or make ginger tea or lemonade.

For more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit LivingFood101


Ginger Helps Control Body Odor

Study Your Air Purifier Might Be Hurtful For Your Health far more

Tremendous amounts of people suffer from a condition known as allergies. Despite the 50 Million Americans who suffer from the condition only a select few are aware of methods and techniques that can be used to remove allergenic reactions from their life. A product especially good at removing contaminates in the air is the IQ Air purifier.

Can the IQAir remove particulates in the air that cause allergies and asthma? The IQAir will give you better quality air and better health due to its incredible filtration abilities. With the IQAir your air will be free from harmful particles such as pet dander, dust mites, dust mite feces, bacteria, viruses, mold spores, and dust. The IQAir will remove harmful particles from your air leaving you with clean, healthy, air that is easier to breath and healthier to live in.

How would you define a HyperHEPA filter and what makes it different from the average filter? Regular HEPA filters have the ability to filter out 99.5% of dangerous particles at a size of 0.3 microns from the air and although impressive, 90 percent of the particles in the air are smaller than 0.3 microns; making many filtration systems using a standard HEPA filter ineffective of trapping and destroying particulates such as viruses, smoke, etc. Another advantage the IQAir has over other air purifiers is that it is a well-engineered piece of equipment. Unlike other filtration systems the IQAir will not leak harmful particles back into the air due to the system not being sealed or designed in a proper manner. The difference between the IQAir and a standard filter is effectiveness at which it works. The IQAir filters at a staggering 99.5% at 0.003 microns, making the IQAir 100 times more effective than the average HEPA filter.

What about the particulates that are less than 0.003 Microns what happens to them? Anything lower then a 0.003 Micron is a gas. This means that IQAir's pioneering of technology has the ability to remove virtually all particles, bacteria and viruses from the air. The IQAir works so well it is actually the first air purifier to pass one of the harshest filtration tests in the world: the EN 1822.

Does the IQAir have the ability to remove things such as gases and odors from the air? With the IQAir things such as a harmful odors and gases are no longer an issue as the V-5 Cell Gas and Odor Eliminator removes offensive gases and odors from the air. The IQAir's V-5 filter has the ability to filter out a variety of harmful items from the air including cooking odors, fumes from household cleaners, paint smells, pet odors, and gas pollutants.

How many filters are built into the IQAir and how often do they have to be changed? The IQAir Health Pro Plus uses a total of 3 filters, including the PreMax Pre-Motor Filter, The V-5 Cell Gas and Odor Eliminator and a HyperHepa Filter. The PreMax Pre-Motor Filter's task is to remove 90% of harmful particles from the air. Due to the fact that this filter is in consistent contact with particles, this filter should be changed every six to eighteen months. The next filter in the system is the V-5 Cell which sole responsibility to remove gasses and odors from the air, this filter should typically be replaced every 2 to 5 year. The last filter found in the IQAir filtration system is the HyperHEPA. This filter's job is to remove any of particles the previous filters did not catch, due to the fact this filter will eventually fill with tiny particles it is important to change this filter every 2 to 5 years, for optimal results. Designed to be easy for consumer use the IQAir has a countdown clock in hours that shows you how much time is left on your filters, so you no longer have to worry about writing down the date or figuring out when you last changed the filters because the IQAir has the information located directly on the top of the system. Additionally the IQAir includes a 5-year warranty and very low maintenance fees so keeping up on the system is easy and inexpensive.

Usually Air Purifiers are loud, is the IQAir a loud system? Built with quiet in mind, the IQAir when on an average speed of 2 or 3 is barely noticeable. The secret to the IQAir's ultra quiet design is the fan is centrally located, giving the filters the ability absorb the noise the machine may cause. Another reason for the IQAir's silent operation is the double wall housing and 8 vibration absorbing rubbers built-in to ensure the IQAir is truly a quiet mechanism.

Who exactly uses an IQAir? Places where cleanliness is a primary concern such as hospitals, doctors, dentists, and other places where impeccable air quality is a necessity. The IQAir was used to fight against the SARS virus, since IQAir is capable of capturing all viruses at an efficiency of 99.9%. A more recent example of the IQAir being used is the 2008 Beijing Olympics, to clean the polluted air found there.

The IQAir HealthPro Plus is a truly amazing product that severely reduces the amount of particulates, odors, gases and allergenic triggers in your house. The IQAir can help prevent allergies and asthma attacks from occurring. Even if you do not have allergies or asthma, the IQAir still helps by drastically reducing the amount of particles breathe in a day. Believe it or not, the average person breathes in 2 spoonfuls of particles every day, however with the power of the IQAir HealthPro Plus and its HyperHepa filtration you will breathe in considerably less particles daily and notice a cleaner, fresher house!

Odor Eliminator

Desire additional facts about the best air purifiers and which air purifier is best for you and your specific circumstances? Visit us at Mr Vac and Mrs Sew for additional details.

Your Air Purifier Might Be Hurtful For Your Health

Odor Eliminator

Read through Body Odor Treatment - Eliminate the Culprit, Eliminate the Problem For Good additional


A body odor treatment plan isn't a bad idea if you are suspecting an odor problem. Having a bad body odor is bad business. What causes an offensive body smell? Body odors are usually a result from heavy perspiration. ( if not from a medical issue) Although sweat really doesn't have a smell; the odor is produced when the sweat comes out of our sweat glands onto the skin. Once the sweat reaches the skin where the bacteria lives, this is what causes the sweat to smell. Although, this is not a critical problem, (for some more than others) it can result in low self esteem and can have a negative affect on the victim's social life.

One of the most common causes of an offensive odor is bad hygiene. While most people bathe on a regular basis, there are a few other considerations that comes into play. To name a few:

1. The length of time that you bathe is important. Believe it or not, some people think just standing under a shower for a few minutes constitutes a shower... it doesn't

2.Using an antibacterial soap. If you know that you have a problem with body odor, you should use an antibacterial soap. These soaps are formulated with ingredients that fight or kill bacteria that's left on the skin that cause the body to smell.

3. Remove dead skin cells. Many times we have dead skin on our body that's hard to remove. Trying to remove dead skin with a soft wash cloth is like trying to wash a car with a cotton ball. Use a loofah to help remove dead skin cells. Scrubbing your body daily will not only remove the dead skin but will also rejuvenate it.

4. Bathe longer. Just like the medical society advises us to wash our hands for 2-3 minutes with plenty of soap and water... we should do the same thing with our bodies. Bathe for 15-20 minutes at least twice per day will help reduce odor.

5. What to do after properly cleaning the body. After bathing, we should take time to dry off completely. Be sure to dry between your toes, use foot deodorant, if you have a problem with stinky feet. If you have an issue with sweating in the genital area, be sure to use powder and wear natural fabrics; such as cotton.

The truth is, there are other natural body odor treatments that can eliminate offensive smell without using harmful drugs, injections or other medical treatment. At the very best they provide only temporary relief.

You no longer have to be a prisoner in your own body. You can benefit RIGHT NOW from the research that have help thousands of others eliminate the main culprit of body odor. I know this will work for you, because it has worked for many others. Why don't you give it a Try, it's all spelled out here... Click Here

Body Odor Treatment - Eliminate the Culprit, Eliminate the Problem For Good


Read through Stop Body Odor - Quickly and Easily far more

Body odor is a common problem - especially in the coming summer months. more than 50 million people around the world suffer from it. So, what are the possible causes and how can we stop body odor?

First of all there's only one cause - bacteria. In order to survive, bacteria releases chemicals, that are poisonous to other types of bacteria - that's their defense mechanism. These chemicals often have a foul smell - they are the cause of body odor. In order to live bacteria needs water and moisture - that's why the only cause of body odor is excessive sweating - stop sweating and the smell stops too. Of course that's easier said than done, but there are cure for excessive sweating.

One of the things you should do is wear loose clothing, made out of polyester - polyester is lightweight, does not absorb water, and dries quickly. Cotton is the worst fabric to wear if you suffer from this problem.

Drink a lot of water - dehydration is a leading cause of many problems, including excessive sweating and toxin build up. On top of that it lowers the core temperature of your body, thus reducing sweating.

Eating spicy foods and drinking lots of alcohol has a negative effect on your health, and can promote sweating - which in turn will increase bacteria production on your skin.

Today in society, people link sweating and odor with being "dirty" or not showering - in most cases that's not true. You should shower regularly with anti-bacterial soap - that will help.

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Stop Body Odor - Quickly and Easily

Examine Ways to Mask Odor in Your Home much more

Ways to Mask Odor in Your Home

Odor Eliminator Candles

Odor is a common problem in most households. If you start to notice a foul smell, your instinct is probably to find a way to cover it up. While removing the source of the odor is the most effective way to return your house to a sweet-smelling state, masking the smell can also be the way to go. Try some of the following ideas to cover any odors in your home.

Candles: Candles are a popular gift - it seems almost everyone has one or two kicking around somewhere. Scented candles are a great way to add a pleasant smell to your home to cover up any odors you'd rather not have. Try a variety of scents to figure out which one works best for you.

Ground Coffee: Ground coffee can be used as a subtle way to eliminate odors. Put a few scoops of unused grounds into clean old socks and hang them up in your closet. This will help eliminate any musty smells that might pop up.

Dryer Sheets: Dryer sheets are an easy and cost effective way to freshen your home. They smell great and can be tucked away anywhere you can think of. Put them in your drawers or your closets. You can even leave them in sports shoes overnight and wake up to fresh-smelling footwear.

Sprays: There is a wide array of odor-controlling sprays on the market today. Some will simply mask the odors already present in your home will others will eliminate them altogether. There's a scent available for almost any taste, so do some experimenting to find out which one you like best.

Baking Soda: Baking soda is an effective odor remover for many parts of the house. Put a box in the back of the fridge to smoke up the smell of leftovers. Spread some on the bottom of your kitty litter box to keep that part of your house smelling fresh. You can even put a little bit in the bottom of your gym shoes to soak up sweat odors. There's no limit to what this powder can do!

Charcoal: Pick up some activated charcoal at your local pet store and fill a container with it. Place the container in spots that tend to get hit by mold and mildew, like the basement or a closet. The charcoal will keep the smell at bay.

These are only a few of the strategies you can use to keep foul odors in your home at bay. While covering up a smell might not be the best permanent solution, it's a great way to address the problem in the short term. There's no reason for a house to smell, especially with so many easy solutions available.

If you've noticed some odors in your house you'd like to get rid of, learn more about Removing Bad Smells [http://housecleaningminneapolis.net/33/removing-bad-smells-in-your-home/] in Your Home at House Cleaning Minneapolis [http://housecleaningminneapolis.net/].

Understand Solutions For Cleaning a Dirty Carpet far more

Have you ever had a nice carpet that ended up getting dirt or a stain on it? If so, then you know how difficult it can be to clean a carpet thoroughly. Having a carpet professionally cleaned is an extremely expensive procedure. Of course there are steam cleaners you can rent, but again, this is an expensive choice.

Plus with the rented cleaners you are the one dealing with the solution and the cleaning - the whole thing can be very stressful if you don't know what you are doing. You could even make your beautiful carpet worse. Thankfully, there are some helpful tips anyone can use to get dirt and stains out of a carpet.

Here are a few: Club Soda for Silk and Carpets Some people know a little club soda rubbed into a silk blouse with a spot on it can perform miracles. You can also use club soda on carpet spots. Red is a particularly difficult stain to remove as anyone who has ever had red wine spilled on their carpet well knows.

Club soda will remove red wine stains. You can also try a water diluted peroxide solution, but be careful as peroxide is a bleaching agent and could also remove the dye in your carpet along with the stain. For Tough Pet Odors and Accidents If you have pets you know how strong the odor can get in the carpet. Carpet fibers absorb odors like a sponge! Even after you have successfully removed a stain from pet urine, the odor itself can still remain.

One of the best solutions for this is baking soda. This is the major ingredient included in all commercial carpet deodorizers. Peroxide is also a natural bacteria fighter and by mixing the two together you can have a powerfully effective odor eliminator.

Ultimately, if your stain is severe enough you may need to go the professional route, but it doesn't hurt to try a little home remedy first.

Odor Eliminator Candles

John has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in a variety of subjects, but you can also check out his latest website on Canister Vacuum Cleaner [http://www.canistervacuumcleanershop.com/] which reviews and lists the best Sanyo Canister Vacuum [http://www.canistervacuumcleanershop.com/sanyo-canister-vacuum-cleaner.html].

Solutions For Cleaning a Dirty Carpet