Examine Gold Canyon Candles additional

There are numerous companies out there that market candles and many of them are quite good. These companies market everything from pillar candles to jar candles, but do they give you great quality for the money you spend. In some cases they do however, as a candle junkie, I can honestly say I have never been more impressed with candles as I have been with Gold Canyon Candles.

There are many reasons to go with this company over others. The have dual wicks, a wide range of scents to choose from, and all at a great price. Although there may be other candle companies that provide fine candles the reasons above and outlined below make purchasing from them a simple choice.

As I noted above, many of these candles have two wicks which is one great benefit. Two wicks have become increasingly popular for many reasons. Some of these reasons include cleaner burning, longer use, greater fragrance, and of course the light that is emitted. With cleaner burning there are fewer residues at the bottom of the jar, therefore making it more pleasant to look at. Due to the two wicks they burn evenly which is one reason why they burn longer.

They also have a large line of scents to choose from. Some of these scents include a home-baked line, boutique chic line, an outdoors line, and many, many others. The scents from these different lines range from strong to soft, so no matter what your personal preference is you can find a pleasing scent. By having such a large line of aromas to chose from you can find a scent to fit your personal needs. Due to the vast array of scents, choosing the correct candle for any occasion is easy as well. Due to the wide line of aromas you will always be able to find at least one you like, in reality you will probably find 20 you enjoy.

Not only can candles enhance a room with a great aroma, but they also serve as an odor eliminator. Richly scented candles are top picks for anyone who smokes, has pets, or just has a general need to remove odors in any environment. With richly scented candles, many times they will remove the odor instead of masking it. Also, the aroma will stay within a room long after the candle is put out.

A final great benefit o is that they are reasonably priced. In today's world finding quality for the money you spend is always a priority. When candle shopping, you can run into cheap candles that, although light up a room, may not be pleasing to the senses or burn long enough to justify the price. Being able to purchase a candle that burns cleaner and last longer at an equal to or similar price as others on the market is one huge reason to go with Gold Canyon's Candles over any other.

Odor Eliminator Candles
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Gold Canyon Candles

Read through Problems of Underarm Odor much more

Everyone perspires - in fact perspiration is a normal function of your body that helps your body to cool down - but the same cannot be said to be true of underarm odor. Most people assume that underarm odor is caused just because the sweat in their body smells - that's not right at all - it's only when the bacteria that are present in their body start mingling with their sweat, that the armpits start giving an odor. The bacteria are able to create body odor as they keep sending unwanted offensive smelling chemicals under your armpits. And the more you allow these bacteria to grow under your armpits the more you will allow armpit odor to get out of control.

Don't ignore it - armpit odor is one problem that can never be swept under the carpet by anyone. I have seen so many people who try to ignore the problem of armpit odor. At times they do it out of frustration as they have not been able to tackle it successfully. But by doing this, they are causing great harm to themselves - they will be targeted badly in public by others. They will also be ignored by many people if their body odor is really very offensive. Slowly they will be totally ignored in social circles. Very often because of inferiority complex and fear such people will avoid going out for any social functions.

Products that don't deliver - there are others who have tried every possible thing to bring their armpit odor under control but what they have managed to get in return is just disappointment and various kinds of skin irritation. This is because although there are many types and brands of underarm deodorants that promise to help them with their armpit odor, most of them fail as they have the wrong set of ingredients. Some of these ingredients are so harmful that they can cause redness, itching, irritation and rashes on skin.

Sensitive skin - besides this, many people suffer from skin irritation even if the deodorant is of good quality - this is because they have very sensitive skin and the presence of any single ingredient in a good deodorant can trigger a negative reaction on their skin.

You need to only use the deodorant that is perfectly suitable for your skin if you want to tackle odor. Besides this, you also need to follow the following things:

Shower regularly - never ignore the importance of regular bathing - use a mild soap. That will help you to eliminate the bacteria that are on your body especially under your armpits. Taking a shower is the right way to take a bath as it involves running water.

Use cotton fabrics - cotton is the best fabric to wear if you want to keep odor under control. It allows your skin to breathe by absorbing the sweat that is produced by your body. That helps in controlling armpit odor.

Change clothe regularly - always use clean underwear and socks everyday besides using different set of clothes for work.

By doing all the above mentioned things, you can tackle the problem of underarm odor in an effective manner.


Kindly Visit Jessie's Armpit Odor Information Center - all you want to know about your armpit odor! Jessie, eliminate your underarm odor - http://ArmpitOdor.org/

Problems of Underarm Odor


Go through How to Clear Up Vaginal Odor additional

Vaginal odor is caused by an infection known as bacterial vaginosis. When you have an infection anywhere else on your body, you always treat it with care. This is the same situation. You can't start scrubbing away with soap and water down there because you are only going to irritate your infection and make matters much worse. In order to clear up vaginal odor, there are a few things that you can do.

For example, try treating your infection with natural methods. Using holistic treatments are sometimes the best because they help your body to fight off the infection instead of forcing your body to abide by some medicine. Your infection goes away faster and with less side effects.

A great way to clear up vaginal odor is to use garlic. Garlic is one of the most natural and powerful healers that we have available to us. That strong scent that garlic possesses works wonders in getting rid of bad vagina smell. All you have to do is insert a clove of garlic inside of you and let it do all of the work for you. You can continue on with your daily routines as the garlic works to kill the infection. You don't have to worry about removing it because the garlic will decompose itself inside of you and reabsorb itself within your body.

A lot of women swear by this form of treatment so although you may be hesitate about inserting garlic into your vagina, this might be the solution that you have been searching for. If you desperately want to get rid of this odor problem, then you must try this quick and easy solution.


If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!

You don't have to be self conscious of your vaginal odor anymore. If it's interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal odor today.

How to Clear Up Vaginal Odor


Go through How to Deal With the Smell of Dead Mice far more

So you're one of those unfortunate few whose humble abode has been affected by the smell of dead mice. It's a hideous smell that seems like it will never go away. How could something so horrible ever fade away as a distant memory?  You might even be thinking of moving to a hotel!!  I can't say that I blame you, but there is hope.

I'm sure you've tried everything under the son to get rid of the stench. How many candles have you lit?  Where's the potpourri?  If that's your idea of dealing with the smell, it's not going to work.  This will merely mask it, and I'm guessing if you're reading this... It probably didn't work so well.

How do you deal with this problem? This may seem obvious, but you have to get rid of the dead mouse. I'm not saying that to be funny either.  As long as there is decay, it will stink.  Easy as that. Even after handling the dead mouse, you may still be left with a smell because your furniture, carpet, walls, whatever absorbed the pungent odor.  Don't buy something to mask the smell, eliminate it.

What happens if you can't find the dead mouse?  Hate to say it, but you're going to have to outlast it.  When the mouse is completely dried out, the stench will eventually fade.  Depending on the rate of decay though, this can take weeks, maybe even months.  Again, don't try to mask the smell.  Get an odor eliminator.  What sets the two apart is that an odor eliminator will bond with the smell and neutralize it before it reaches your nose, whereas a perfume simply mixes with the odor... at that point who knows which is worse?  Dying mouse or dying mouse with ridiculously over done perfume?

In conclusion, it's two simple steps.  Remove the source.  Eliminate (not mask) the odor.

Odor Eliminator Candles
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How to Deal With the Smell of Dead Mice

Go through Cat Urine Eliminator much more

Need a cat urine eliminator, but having trouble finding the right one? Are you having so much trouble that you’re considering eliminating your carpet or furniture instead? When you don’t have the right information, cleaning cat urine can seem impossible.

The good news is that you’re on the right track. You know that you need to eliminate cat urine, not simply wipe it up or mask it. The strong odor must be completely removed if you want to stop your cat from urinating in the area again.

If you want to eliminate cat urine from carpet, floors, upholstery, clothing, or anywhere else, you need to use the right product. Don’t bother with everyday household cleaners. They simply aren’t effective when it comes to cat urine.

Sure, they might clean the visible stain, but they don’t eliminate the urine. Even if you can’t smell it, your cat will still smell the urine and take that as a signal that he can urinate in that spot anytime. You need something stronger than carpet and surface cleaners.

When you hear “stronger,” you might think of ammonia. Yes, ammonia is strong. However, that’s not the only quality it shares with cat urine. They also smell very much alike—so much so that your cat can’t tell the difference between them.

If you clean cat urine with ammonia, your cat will mistake its scent for urine. Smelling what he thinks is urine, your cat will continue urinating in the same spot. The results of using ammonia could be worse than those of using any other cleaner.

So if you can’t use household cleaners or ammonia, what can you use to eliminate that cat urine? Is it even possible to remove it? Do you have to replace your carpet or furniture? What if it happens again?

You shouldn’t have to replace anything. All you need is the right product—one that eliminates the urine completely. You can choose from a number of different products. Some have enzymes to neutralize the odor, while others have bacteria that destroy the urine.

You’ll need further information to determine which product is right for you. Then it’s important to learn specific techniques to ensure you eliminate the cat urine safely and effectively. You should also learn methods for preventing cats from urinating in the wrong places.

It sounds like a lot, and it is, but you’ll be glad once you’re fullyinformed. You’re almost there. You already know what to look for and what to avoid in a cat urine eliminator.

Odor Eliminator
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Cat Urine Eliminator

Examine Feminine Odor Control extra

One thing that can surely destroy a woman's sense of feeling desirable and sensual, is to have feminine odor. Since this malady plagues so many women, let's look at some methods of feminine odor control.

If feminine odor already exists, the first thing you want to do is have a gynecological exam to rule out any vaginal infection, as vaginal infections definitely cause odor. If the result of your exam is positive for infection you will be given medicine to kill the unfriendly bacteria or yeast causing it; however, caution must be taken so that the infection does not reoccur. The methods used to prevent re-infection are, for the most part, the same for preventing feminine odor, so let's look at these now.


The most obvious feminine odor control method is to have proper hygiene. If need be, wash more than once a day but do not use harsh soap. Unscented natural soaps are the best, and certainly never use antibacterial soaps as they are too chemically laden and can very easily irritate the sensitive tissue around and in the vagina.

Soap also disrupts the vaginal pH. When this occurs the healthy vaginal flora cannot survive and hence disruptive organisms take over and cause infection and odor.

Natural Clothing:

Cotton and wool are not only natural fabrics, but they breathe, which means they allow airflow. Synthetic materials such as nylon and polyester do not breathe, and consequentially hold in moisture; and constant moisture breeds bacteria and yeast.

Now, just as when you perspire under your arms and you get an underarm odor, the same happens when you wear nylon panties or pantyhose, or polyester slacks -- the vaginal area perspires; it can't get air because of the suffocating material around it; and it begins to smell. Therefore, always wear cotton panties and try not to wear synthetic fabrics such as pantyhose or polyester slacks.

Air It Out:

There was a time in our history when women didn't wear panties at all. I know going without panties might be a shock to some ladies, but unless you feel it is necessary, at least don't wear panties to bed; let it air out.

Also consider thigh-high nylons instead of pantyhose.

Ditch the Douche:

Many women douche for the simple reason that they want to feel clean, especially after their period or after intercourse. Some women also douche if they notice a discharge, though some discharge is normal.

The trouble with douching, however, is that it can cause the very feminine odor that women are trying to eliminate. Douching is actually counter-productive and is certainly not a feminine odor control method.

When using a commercial douche, the chemicals in the product badly disrupt the vaginal pH. Friendly vaginal flora die because of this and then harmful bacteria take over, which again causes feminine odor.

Another issue with douching is that the force of the douching fluid can push existing bad bacteria up through the cervix, causing pelvic inflammatory disease; and pelvic inflammatory disease also emits odor.

In summation, the best means of feminine odor control is to wash regularly with a gentle, unscented soap; wear cotton panties and avoid synthetic fabrics in that area; sleep without panties and allow the vagina to air out; and do not use commercial douches.


As an alternative to douching and as a way to eliminate odor naturally, we recommend WaterWorks Natural Vaginal Therapy. This is a product that gently cleans the vagina without pushing water into the cervix; instead the water gently flows downward along the vaginal walls. No chemical preparations are used at all; simply regular tap water that flows through a stainless steel nozzle, which is inserted into the vagina. A reaction occurs when stainless steel interacts with water, in which odor-causing sulfuric acids are eliminated; therefore, using WaterWorks not only safely cleans the vagina after intercourse and after menstruation, but it also eliminates odor. It is a miraculous device that is safe enough to use every day, if desired. Learn about WaterWorks and where it can be purchased at http://eliminatebodyodors.com/feminine-odor-stopped-with-waterworks. To eliminate body odor naturally, see http://eliminatebodyodors.com/

Feminine Odor Control


Understand Home Selling Tips to Get Your House on a Buyer's Shortlist far more

In today's market, it's challenging to sell a house or any other piece of real estate. In addition, the longer a home stays on the market the less likely it'll attract viewers and offers as people will wonder what's wrong with it.

Most buyer's are looking for basement bargains while seller's need to get the best price they can to make it worthwhile selling. If you're going to try to sell a home right now, you need to realize it's a buyer's market. But there are things you can do to increase your chances of getting reasonable offers. These home selling tips are valid in any economy but need extra emphasis in the current economic climate.

Beyond the importance of the design and sound structural elements of your home the next most important selling point of your house lies in its aesthetics.

A clean and well maintained property can make your home memorable in the eyes of a buyer. The fact is people are viewing more homes before making a decision and you want your home to remain uppermost in the minds of potential purchasers.

The first impression of any house is the yard and exterior. Mow your lawn, trim bushes and trees and pull up unsightly weeds. The last thing you want is a potential buyer driving off before seeing the inside of your home because the outside scenery is a mess.

Fix up the exterior and make it look neat - this sends the message to buyers you care about your house and more likely to have kept on top of repairs. Talking of repairs when was the last time you painted outside or power-washed the siding or cleaned the glass on the windows? Flaking paint on the trim is unsightly and easily cured with a fresh coat. Finally, put stuff in its place outside.

Inside go to work on a thorough clean. This doesn't mean do your regular once-a-week clean but break out the big guns and clean every inch of your home. Make anything that can sparkle blindingly shiny, get your tiles professionally washed and your carpets steam cleaned.

If you've been experimental with paint colors on your interior walls then consider repainting a neutral color such as white - and this will also give your house that extra new feeling. Buyers tend to think how much work they'll need to do when they move in, and not having to redecorate immediately because they can live with the colors for awhile will be viewed positively.

As with the exterior make your interior neat as well. A place for everything and everything in its place is a cliché worth remembering before showing your home. Most houses have odors and a few well-placed odor eliminator plug-ins will go a long way making the house smell presentable. Just don't go overboard on sweet-scented candles everywhere as buyers will wonder what you're trying to hide.

The goal behind these tips is to show the potential of your home to a prospective buyer by seeing it in the best possible light when viewing. This will make it memorable and more likely to surface to the top when recalling the homes they saw and help make it to their shortlist and finally a fair offer.

Odor Eliminator Candles

Bill McCormick is an experienced real estate agent and owner of a Re/Max Executive Realty office covering the market in the metro-west Boston area. Bill specializes in Homes for Sale in Upton, Mendon, Milford and Grafton Massachusetts towns. His website has more tips for house sellers and buyers and also moving tips and you can find them at: http://www.billmccormick.com.

Home Selling Tips to Get Your House on a Buyer's Shortlist

Odor Eliminator Candles

Study Filtering Unit For Removing Odor From Plumbing Vent Pipes Are Alike And Different far more

Filtering units for removing odor from plumbing vent pipes, most often referred to as stink pipes by plumbers, are the best solution age old problem of stink coming out of the plumbing/septic tank roof vent. The vent is design to release gas to the outside air so the waste water can flow down the drains. What are the differences between the various manufacturers? They are all similar in appearance with the outer shell made of PVC and ABS design. Sweetfilter was epoxy coated Black. Sweetfilter, VentPure, and Peacemaker show they are registered. Sweetstack has one way off and on valves and cannot be sold in Minnesota. OdorHog is now available with solar powered exhaust fan. Is that an added part to fail? VentPure and SweetAir units have rain cap because their chemical medias must be protected from moisture.

All chemical medias are a mixture of Carbon with other additives. You have to check the chemistry, or be a chemist, to see which is really the best chemical. What the home owner is looking for is a chemical media whose primary target is Hydrogen Sulfide. Hydrogen Sulfide produces that rotten egg odor that any home owner is familiar with if they have any type plumbing problem. The secondary problem is the Ammonia which produces the urine odor.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is only place to search to find if a design is patented or a brand name is registered. Only Sweetfilter is registered with The United States Patent and Trademark Office. There are no other sewer/septic tank odor eliminator vent filter units registered!

VentPure and Peacemaker were registered in individual States only. Any brand name that has a registered Trademark in a State only, can be copied in another State. In Federal Court you cannot protect your brand name unless you have registered it in The United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Sweetstack, OdorHog, VentPure, Peacemaker, and SweetAir filtering units are made primarily with the common chemical mixtures for removing odor from plumbing vent pipes and can never get a Federal Registration. Sweetstack and SweetAir have Sweet in their name. Sweetfilter is registered, Sweetstack and SweetAir cannot be registered in The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

What unit is best? What unit should you the home owner purchase to install? Sweetfilter, Sweetstack, OdorHog, VentPure, Peacemaker, and SweetAir are all similar, but are all different, only you the home owner can make the finial decision. You want your filter to operate like a odor eliminator on your roof top vent, most often referred to as a stink pipe, You want the smell to be gone!

Odor Eliminator
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Filtering Unit For Removing Odor From Plumbing Vent Pipes Are Alike And Different

Examine Home Selling Tips to Get Your House on a Buyer's Shortlist more

In today's market, it's challenging to sell a house or any other piece of real estate. In addition, the longer a home stays on the market the less likely it'll attract viewers and offers as people will wonder what's wrong with it.

Most buyer's are looking for basement bargains while seller's need to get the best price they can to make it worthwhile selling. If you're going to try to sell a home right now, you need to realize it's a buyer's market. But there are things you can do to increase your chances of getting reasonable offers. These home selling tips are valid in any economy but need extra emphasis in the current economic climate.

Beyond the importance of the design and sound structural elements of your home the next most important selling point of your house lies in its aesthetics.

A clean and well maintained property can make your home memorable in the eyes of a buyer. The fact is people are viewing more homes before making a decision and you want your home to remain uppermost in the minds of potential purchasers.

The first impression of any house is the yard and exterior. Mow your lawn, trim bushes and trees and pull up unsightly weeds. The last thing you want is a potential buyer driving off before seeing the inside of your home because the outside scenery is a mess.

Fix up the exterior and make it look neat - this sends the message to buyers you care about your house and more likely to have kept on top of repairs. Talking of repairs when was the last time you painted outside or power-washed the siding or cleaned the glass on the windows? Flaking paint on the trim is unsightly and easily cured with a fresh coat. Finally, put stuff in its place outside.

Inside go to work on a thorough clean. This doesn't mean do your regular once-a-week clean but break out the big guns and clean every inch of your home. Make anything that can sparkle blindingly shiny, get your tiles professionally washed and your carpets steam cleaned.

If you've been experimental with paint colors on your interior walls then consider repainting a neutral color such as white - and this will also give your house that extra new feeling. Buyers tend to think how much work they'll need to do when they move in, and not having to redecorate immediately because they can live with the colors for awhile will be viewed positively.

As with the exterior make your interior neat as well. A place for everything and everything in its place is a cliché worth remembering before showing your home. Most houses have odors and a few well-placed odor eliminator plug-ins will go a long way making the house smell presentable. Just don't go overboard on sweet-scented candles everywhere as buyers will wonder what you're trying to hide.

The goal behind these tips is to show the potential of your home to a prospective buyer by seeing it in the best possible light when viewing. This will make it memorable and more likely to surface to the top when recalling the homes they saw and help make it to their shortlist and finally a fair offer.

Odor Eliminator Candles

Bill McCormick is an experienced real estate agent and owner of a Re/Max Executive Realty office covering the market in the metro-west Boston area. Bill specializes in Homes for Sale in Upton, Mendon, Milford and Grafton Massachusetts towns. His website has more tips for house sellers and buyers and also moving tips and you can find them at: http://www.billmccormick.com.

Home Selling Tips to Get Your House on a Buyer's Shortlist

Odor Eliminator Candles

Read through Cat Odor Removal - Living With Cat Odor? more

Cat Odor Removal - Living With Cat Odor?


Anyone who owns a cat knows that odors can sometimes be a problem. And even a bigger and more difficult problem is cat odor removal. Your cats Litter box, urine and other "accidents", can give your home an unpleasant aroma. Its almost like living in a litter box. Thorough cleaning is important, as there are different approaches and products that can help with even the most difficult to remove odors.

Some odor problems can be more stubborn. There are a assortment of products in the marketplace claiming to remove urine and fecal odors from carpets and furniture, some containing enzymes that will smash up the source of the odor. Used correctly, and in some severe situations more than one application may be needed. Some other solutions for cat odor removal include scrubbing the effected area with a diluted liquid laundry detergent, or with various all-purpose cleaners. Try to clean a not easily seen area of the carpet or furniture before using on a more obvious area.

Cat owners need to be extra cautious about removing all signs of the odor, because if the scent remains, the cat will do it again in the same spot. Unfortunately, in some worst cases you may have to remove the soiled carpet, and possibly even seal or replacing the floor and sub floor below! To avoid this, deal with the spot at the first sign of odor. Prevent it from happening again. Submit an application of a odor removal product, and place your cats litter box on top of the effected area.

Be sure to follow the manufactures instructions on the product you are going to use and in some cases use in a well ventilated area. The longer the urine remains on a surface, the harder it will be to remove. Prevention goes a long way!

Removing nasty pet odors like cat urine, and cat spray can seem like an impossible task. Is the smell of cat urine driving you crazy? Discover How a "crazy lady" with 37 cats was forced to find a homemade recipe that will totally remove cat urine odor, using ingredients your have in your home right now. Inexpensive, easy to make,easy to apply! Get this Formula for yourself at Cat Odor Removal.

Examine Vaginal Odor extra

Another very unfortunate and very embarrassing effect of a yeast infection is vaginal odor. This is usually as a result of the vaginal discharge also brought about by the yeast infection. The faster the yeast infection clears up, the faster the odor will go away. So, there are two main reasons why a woman will have vaginal odor. When she has a yeast infection, and when she is menstruating. During menstruation, the odor might sometimes be as a result of bad hygiene, but it's just usually as a result of dried blood and the discarded tissue from the ovaries. Remember though, that it is natural for the vagina to have a musky odor.

When women use douches to clean their vaginal canal, they upset the natural state of things most importantly the pH. They go and clean out both the bad and the good bacteria. This is one thing that will start the ball rolling for yeast infections to start, and thus that very odor you were avoiding in the beginning. The vagina was designed to clean itself. Let it do it in peace.

The use of scented towels and scented tampons is also dangerous. For those who have never heard, Toxic shock Syndrome (TSS) comes about when tampons are left in the vagina for a long time, and the blood ferments in the humidity, and creates dangerous bacteria. Some people leave their scented tampons in for too long, in an effort to mask vaginal odor. The deodorants in the scented pads, tampons, in feminine sprays in the long run upset the pH of the vagina, thus making you more susceptible to yeast infections. A good suggestion is to just let nature run its course.


Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Yeast Infection. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here YEAST INFECTION CURES If You Enjoyed This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED!

Vaginal Odor


Go through Oust Air Sanitizer far more

Odor Eliminator Candles

Oust is a brand of powerful disinfectant products from Johnson & Son. Sometimes simply wiping counter tops and surfaces clean isn't enough-the house might still be smelly, which can only mean the germs are still around, alive and kicking. Airborne bacteria are another matter. Surface cleaning brands like Mr. Clean, Vim, and Pine Sol can't get to these germs, but is that an excuse? No it isn't. Besides, you can always rely on Oust to disinfect and purify your home.

Here is a list of Oust products and their uses:

* Oust Air Sanitizer and Surface Disinfectant - This is a new product for Oust, and the next logical step from the original Air Sanitizer. Oust Air and Surface Disinfectant combines the power of a surface disinfectant with an air sanitizer, so you hit kill birds with one stone. Simply spray directly on a non-porous surface and rinse afterwards.

* Oust Candle - An Oust Candle is not just any other candle. Most scented candles remove foul odors by mixing odor particles in the air with perfume. But not the Oust Candle. An Oust Candle literally drives bad odor out your home by eliminating the odor-causing particles. Not bad for "just" a candle.

* Oust Upholstery & Carpet Odor Eliminator - Oust Upholstery & Carpet Odor Eliminator works very hard to eliminate odor from sofas, carpets, cushions, rugs, shoes, curtains and other fabrics. It leaves a light fresh scent and is easy to use. Simply spray a small amount directly on the fabric and you're done. Nice and easy.

Oust products used to focus on air sanitation, but not anymore. The modern market forced Johnson & Son to think up ways to compete with other cleansing products, and the solution was to go for air and surface issues. You can count on Oust sanitizing products to take care of all your stinky and bacteria-ridden household dilemmas.

Want to know more? You can read more tips on Oust Air Sanitizer, plus other cleaning tips only at http://cleaningglow.com/

Oust Air Sanitizer

Study How to Get Rid of Vagina Odor Fast far more

How to Get Rid of Vagina Odor Fast


Living with vagina odor is extremely difficult. If you are experiencing bad odor in your life right now, then you know how embarrassing it is. Even though you wear clothes and other barriers to try and keep the scent in, people around you might be able to smell the odor that your body is producing. This is why you are missing out on so many special moments in your life. You miss out on parties and other special occasions because you are so embarrassed of your body. Also, your sex life is being affected greatly. You don't even want your partner getting near you. Life doesn't have to be this bad. You can get rid of vagina odor fast and effectively.

A lot of women go to the doctor's in order to find relief. They get prescribed a messy topical cream or a tiny pill that they never remember to take. You don't have to resort to these forms of treatment in order to get rid of your odor. There are things that you can do at home that will work, and that will also make you feel clean and refreshed.

A great thing to do in order to get rid of vagina odor fast is to carry around feminine wipes with you. That way, if you are ever having a moment where you need some refreshment, you can do that. Another way to get rid of vagina odor is to soak a tampon in yogurt and insert it inside your body for 10 minutes. The yogurt will restore the pH balance of your vagina, which will get rid of that smell.

Unpleasant vaginal discharge and smell is a problem that plagues countless women and can reoccur every few months. There are effective treatments for the condition that don't just mask the odor, they actually treat the problem and eliminate it. If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!

You don't have to be self conscious of your vaginal odor anymore. If it's interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help! You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal odor today.

Read Home Remedies for Body Odor much more

Body odor is normally present when a person sweats, and the more one sweats the more odors arise. However, it is not the sweat that causes the odor, but rather it is the toxins that the sweat brings out of the body.

Nonetheless, body odor is offensive and can be embarrassing in situations when it is not manageable. Thus body sprays, antiperspirants and deodorants are used to mask the odor temporarily.

However, antiperspirants and deodorants contain aluminum, which contributes to diseases such as Alzheimer's and many types of cancers. Therefore many who are aware of those facts opt for home remedies to help control body odor.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the cheapest home remedies that can be used. It is powerful in neutralizing odors, and can be applied to the underarms after a bath or shower, as well as throughout the day when the odor arises.

Additionally, taking a bath in baking soda water will help to draw out toxins that contribute to body odor.


White vinegar as well as apple cider vinegar can be applied to the underarms after a bath or shower.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are also effective when applied to the underarms, or when added to the bath water. They can also be added to a small amount of water and be used as a body spray.

Hot Baths

A hot bath helps to promote sweating. Sweating helps to rapidly eliminate toxins from the body so that when the body breaks into a sweat afterwards, fewer toxins will be released, and thus body odor is reduced.

Certain Foods

There are many foods that can help to eliminate body odor by helping the body to get rid of toxins via the stool, urine and sweat. Once the toxins are eliminated the foul odor will be not be as noticeable anymore.

The foods to help with eliminating toxins are all plant-based foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices and nuts and seeds. Herbs are particularly helpful in reducing the odor, as they have an aroma that naturally helps to mask the offensive odors. The best herbs to consider are mints, cilantro, cloves, lemon balm, parsley and ginger root.

At first these foods may actually contribute to body odor, particularly ginger, as it helps to remove harmful toxins. But after using them for a while, and staying on a clean diet the body odor will be reduced.

For more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit LivingFood101. You can also find me on Hubpages

Home Remedies for Body Odor


Examine How to Eliminate Unwanted Odors in Your House additional

What if you just bought a new house and it has a stench? A musty or mildew smell to your brand new home? What do you do? What about pet odors? Did the previous resident have animals? Does the smell linger throughout the house? Here are a few tips that will help you eliminate unwelcomed home odors today.

1. Ventilate the home.

Many homes on the market have been in foreclosure sitting empty for a long period forcing a halt to air flow movement leaving an unpleasant musty, mildew scent. Thus, open up windows immediately. Leave windows open overnight prior to moving in if possible. Turn on fans and air conditioning units to start circulating the air easing the abandon house smell.

2. Use vinegar.

Mix half a cup of distilled vinegar with half a cup of regular water and use to clean counter tops, floors and walls absorbing disagreeable home smells as you clean. It won't stain or cause any harm to animals and/or humans, so it is a safe option. Vinegar is effective in absorbing smells.

3. Bake cinnamon.

Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on it. Add a tablespoon of butter and set the oven at 250 degrees. It instantly fills the home with the scent of freshly baked goods helping to mask unwanted smells.

4. Sprinkle baking soda.

Shake baking soda over carpets and let it sit overnight then vacuum. If you have pets allow the baking soda to soak for only a few hours before vacuuming keeping your pets safe. Baking soda helps draw odors out of fabrics and carpets.

5. Soak a few onions.

Odors seep into walls and fabrics of a home. To rid these smells you need a means of pulling the odors out and trapping them. An onion is capable of handling such a task. Cut up a few onions and place in a bowl of cold water. Put the bowl in the room and/or closet needed and it shall successfully eliminate any remodeling fumes and/or odors. You may notice a difference as quickly as overnight.

6. Mix vanilla extract into your house paint.

If you are moving into a home then the odds of you repainting the home interior is high. To remove the smells of paint during the touch-up process include a couple of tablespoons of vanilla extract into a gallon of paint. The vanilla extract will not affect the paint color making it an easy, cheap solution to a common house problem.

7. Use scented products.

There are many products on the market specifically made to create specific smells for the house. Some of these products include scented candles, scented oils, incense, potpourri, and carpet cleaners. Find a scent you prefer and buy scented products accordingly. It will assist in disguising whatever disgusting smell is in your home.

Odor Eliminator Candles

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How to Eliminate Unwanted Odors in Your House

Odor Eliminator Candles

Go through Preparing Your Home For Sale - Home Staging Tips far more

Preparing Your Home For Sale - Home Staging Tips

Odor Eliminator Candles

Think back to when you were searching for your new home. Do you remember some of the things you were looking for and the feeling you had when you first walked into your home and KNEW this was the one? Take yourself back to those days. Look at your home now as you would if you were the prospective buyer. Follow these tips below to help get your home ready for the market.

* De-Personalize Your Home - Pack up all of your personal photos. Buyers want to be able to see themselves living in that house and it's difficult for them to do when your family pictures are there for them to see. You don't want the buyers saying to themselves, "I wonder what the people who live here are like?" when they should be saying, "I can see myself living here."

* De-Clutter Your Home- We all accumulate a lot of items over the years and when it's time to sell your house, you need to remove as much as possible to allow the buyer to see your house and how much space there is for them to utilize. Remember this - If you haven't used it in over a year, most likely you don't need it and can live without it.

- Pack up all of your knickknacks
- Remove the majority of books from your bookcases and arrange the few remaining books carefully.
- Clear off your kitchen counters. Try to pack away everything you don't use on a daily basis so as to allow the buyer to see just how much space there is to work with.
- Think of this as a head-start on packing and preparing for your impending move.

* Organize Your Closets and Cabinets - Buyers are definitely going to take a peek inside your closets and cabinets. Take time to organize and arrange your bedroom and hall closets. Think about packing up clothing and shoes you won't be using and rearranging what remains so that it's neat and allows your closets to look as roomy as possible. Organize your kitchen cabinets so that they are also as neat as possible. Pack up any pots and pans that you won't be using so when the buyer takes a look, they'll see plenty of room for their items.

* Remove or Replace Items You Are Taking With You- If you want to keep your window treatments, special light fixtures, your porch swing, that heirlooom chandelier, take them down! Now, of course, you will have to replace any light fixtures you remove with something. You can't leave only the wires! Spackle over any holes left where you've removed the porch swing or the flat screen television that was attached to the wall.

* Consider a Storage Unit or Pod - If you have a lot of accent furniture or a ton of 'stuff' in your house, you may want to consider renting a storage unit or an on-site storage pod. You only want a minimal amount of 'necessary' furniture left in your house when buyers walk through. Less furniture in your house gives the buyer the opportunity to visualize their own furniture there.

* Make Minor Repairs - Go through your house and fix anything that's been a slight inconvenience to you for a while but was considered too minor to be much of an issue. For instance:

- Fix any cabinet doors or drawers that don't close properly.
- Replace any burnt-out light bulbs.
- Fix any leaky faucets that constantly drip or won't turn off completely.
- Patch any holes in the drywall, no matter how small.
- Replace or fix any doorknobs that don't quite latch.
- If you have any paint colors that are 'out of the ordinary' consider painting with neutral colors to attract more buyers.
- Replace any missing drawer handles/knobs.

* Thoroughly Clean Your House - Go through your house from top to bottom and clean until it sparkles! Think of it as your Mother-In-Law is coming to visit and you don't want any criticisms!

- Vaccuum your house daily - you never know when a showing will be scheduled and you want your house looking its best.
- Make sure to get all of the cobwebs.
- Clean your windows, inside & out making sure there are no streaks!
- Dust your light fixtures, shelves, ceiling fan and any remaining furniture.
- Consider renting a pressure-washer and clean up the sidewalk, walkway, patio, deck and exterior of the house.
- Get that bathroom to shine! Clean up any dingy grout, re-caulk where needed. Clean out the tub/shower drains. Pay special attention to the toilet area!
- Get your house smelling fresh! You don't want any prospective buyers remembering your house by it's musty or bad odors. By the same token, don't go overboard on scented candles. You don't want the buyer thinking you're trying to cover up something! Use a 'fresh' smelling deoderizer or odor eliminator.

* Re-Evaluate Your House - Once you've done all of these things, go back through your house and view it through the eyes of a prospective buyer. Nit-pick just as you will when you go to buy your next home. Take a look at each room and make sure you haven't missed anything.

* Curb Appeal - The prospective buyer should be drawn into your home by what they see from the outside. If they drive up to your house and are turned-off by how it looks from the outside, how will you ever get them inside to see how great your house is?

- Make sure you keep the lawn manicured. Don't let the grass get overgrown, keep the weeds pulled and the bushes trimmed.
- Water any plants you have, either planted or potted. You don't want any wilted or yellowed plants. Remove any dead plants.
- Make sure the sidewalk or walkway is clean and clear. Leave nothing behind for the buyer to trip over.
- Consider replacing your house number if it's rusted, worn or faded.
- Make sure the trim on your house isn't faded or peeling. If it is, consider painting and refreshing.

If you put these tips to good use, you'll be sure to impress potential buyers.

Bridget Atwater

Realtor® / Broker

Cary, NC

Coldwell Banker

Howard Perry & Walston


Read How to Manage Tear Stains in Dogs extra

Odor Eliminator

Are you battling tear stains on your white or light-colored dog? As a professional groomer, I see many, many dogs that exhibit unsightly tear stains and beard stains. In addition, some of these dogs are even discoloring their feet, legs and body with the saliva they leave on their fur from licking and chewing.

Possible Causes of Tear Stains

Staining is usually of a reddish color and sometimes emits an odor. It is important to attempt to determine the cause of the staining. Some possible causes are:

* genetic predisposition

* high mineral content in drinking water

* eye infection

* ear infection

* irritating eyelashes or hair that rub against the eye

* yeast infection (from the area around the eye remaining wet)

* blocked tear ducts

* diet

* parasites such as fleas and mites

* allergies

You should consult with your veterinarian or groomer to try to narrow down the potential cause of the tear staining. Once you have ruled out some of the obvious medical conditions such as infections, extra eyelashes, and blocked tear ducts, you will be able to address the conditions that you may well have control over.

If your dog is experiencing ear irritation or infection, there is a high incidence of the infection completely running through their body and resulting in multiple issues throughout. Many dogs we see that have tear staining are also affected with inner ear infections. So be sure to confirm that your dog's ears are clean and free from infection. Your vet will prescribe the appropriate ear drops and/or antibiotics. You will have to be diligent in treating the ears as prescribed in order to alleviate the condition.


Dog owners need to evaluate the food they are feeding to their pets and be sure that they are using a high-quality dog food that is not rampant with sugar, salt, preservatives and chemicals. If you are feeding canned food to your dog, consider introducing a high-quality dry food to provide optimal nutrition.

The next item to look closely at is the water that your dog drinks. Tap water can be high in minerals and well water can be high in various items such as copper and iron which could contribute to the tear staining. A popular suggestion as of late is to train your dog to drink from a water bottle (thus preventing high-mineral water from sitting on the coat). Another idea it to use distilled water.

There are several products currently on the market that address the tear staining problem. Many of these products contain a percentage of antibiotic. Unless you are specifically dealing with an infection in your dog's eyes or ears, it would be wise to discuss the ramifications of extended antibiotic usage with your veterinarian.


There are two possible solutions to tear staining that can easily be implemented. The first is to add a small amount of white vinegar (1 teaspoon) to your pet's water. Start with a smaller amount in the water until your pet can adjust to the taste. The vinegar changes the pH of the water.

Secondly, include a 1/2 teaspoon of cream cheese (yes, like Philadelphia brand) in your dog's food or as a treat on a daily basis. Customers who have tried this method have found that the tear staining cleared up in three to four weeks.

In any event, please check with your vet to rule out any medical conditions, allergies or infections that may be causing the tear staining in your dog. Once you've ruled out those possibilities, you can address the other options. Always consult with your veterinarian when trying a new regimen.

This article was written by Toni Alexander and has been contributed by [http://thepettrimmer.com]. For more information on dog grooming, please visit our blog.

How to Manage Tear Stains in Dogs

Read through Blind Dogs and People's Perceptions a lot more

Blind Dogs and People's Perceptions

Odor Eliminator

Odor Eliminator

We humans are very funny things in a lot of ways. Especially when we are dealing with our pets or animals. Obviously we adore them and most often than not, would do anything to keep them healthy and alive. So we are often shocked when a trip to the vets reveals a fatal blow to our system. It could be because of a diagnosis of cancer, glaucoma, cysts. This then brings on a world full of emotions and an increased sense of what do we do?

It might be that we look for alternative forms of treatment, herbal, shiatsu, radiation treatment. You name it as a loving pet owner we vow to find a remedy for the diagnosis.

So why was it that when Tess inherited glaucoma. That it came on within hours. The symptoms in case you come across this yourself where, itch in the eye, closing the eye repeatedly, inability to keep the eye open at times and a very cloudy lens. You can notice the cloudiness straight away as it looks like they have a giant cataract forming immediately. If you see any of these signs at all. Take your dog straight to the vets.

Going to the vets. We were told that the pressure in her eye was so high that Tess would have to have the eye removed. Tess's friend Cassie has also had her eye removed. So we were very lucky to have come across this already. Still came as a complete shock however. Well we didn't have very much choice but to agree to the procedure.

Afterward we were told that the glaucoma could also spread to Tess's other eye. So a trip to the vets every 6mths would give us an idea of her progression. Off we went every 6mths and everything looked fine. Then one day we were told that the pressure had increased slightly. Therefore the vet advised if it increased any further that we should have her lens removed. This would then require Tess to need drops in five times a day for the rest of her life. Which if it saves them for that much longer then of course you would do it.

Well one day Tess just lost her sight in the other eye. Whilst out for a walk, I turned around and she was clinging to the floor.

Well what do you do? We never had time to determine whether it was the right or wrong thing to do about having Tess's other eye removed. To be honest it was probably just as well too. The reason being is this is where people come into the equation. So we talked to others, who give their advice and shed ideas. But everyone has such a different opinion on whether or not you should keep a dog with no eyes. Some good opinions others bad. So you can imagine that when the eyes were removed we did worry at first what other people might say.

Well the moral to the story is. Listen to people's opinion as they all count. But when you come to making a decision, make it on your own findings, trust your own judgment and no matter how bad you think things could be stand by your decision.

It is still funny today. How people react to Tess. Some of these reactions are listed below

- Ooh, a dog with no eyes. Isn't that weird.
- Ah, you poor love.
- How does she cope?
- My god that is amazing, how does she do it?
- Is it catching will my dog be okay to play with her?

Well I can tell you now that Tess has a great life and loves every minute of every single day. She can do whatever you allow her to do. So if you ever have to make a decision such as we did. Then think about it very carefully and make sound judgments based on your own opinion. Seek support from a qualified Ophthalmologist and they should give you a sound medical opinion.

Love your blind dog and they will love you too.

To find out more about Blind Dogs come and see us at our website at [http://www.blindanimal.com].

Read Vaginal Odor - How to Eliminate Vaginal Odor additional

Although unpleasant vaginal odor is a topic that many women prefer not to talk about, it actually affects over 65% of all women at some point in their lives. For most unfortunately it is a problem that recurs every once in a while, because they cannot find a permanent solution to put an end to this condition. Home remedies - which can be used to help permanently eliminate vaginal odor - are a worthwhile option to consider. Especially if you have already tried antibiotics or over the counter medicines to no avail.

Statistics show that for 70% of women that have suffered from vaginal odor, the condition will just not go away for good. The most likely cause of this problem is bacterial vaginosis, which occurs due to a bacterial and PH imbalance of the vagina.

Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to treat this common and well known medical condition. However, this is not the best option in the long run. Although they are very effective in rapidly reducing the symptoms, they do not address the root causes of this disease - bacterial imbalance.

How to Eliminate Vaginal Odor

Permanent results are only possible, when a treatment has the ability to effectively restore the vagina's natural bacterial composition by reducing the number of harmful bacteria and increasing the number of beneficial bacteria.

One of the simplest ways to reduce the number of harmful, odor causing bacteria in the vagina is to soak in a cider vinegar or tea tree oil bath. Add 2 cups of cider vinegar or 15 drops of tea tree essential oil to a warm bath and have a soak in it for at least 15 minutes. Many women find this an effective method to eliminate vaginal odor.

Some women find that inserting a tampon soaked in live, probiotic yogurt helps in reducing the unpleasant symptoms. Plain, live yogurt contains high levels of Lactobacilli, the beneficial bacteria that keep the odor causing harmful bacteria under control. Soak a tampon in the yogurt for 1 hour and and insert it into the vagina for 30-45 minutes. Also, by eating a pot of live, probiotic yogurt daily will up your body's own supplies of beneficial bacteria.

You should start trying out these very simple remedies which you may find sufficient to eliminate vaginal odor.


If the smelly discharge returns you may need to use more comprehensive guaranteed techniques that are tailored to your body's individual needs. This method has been used by thousands of women with success and it will work for you too!

Vaginal Odor - How to Eliminate Vaginal Odor
