Examine How to Eliminate Unwanted Odors in Your House additional

What if you just bought a new house and it has a stench? A musty or mildew smell to your brand new home? What do you do? What about pet odors? Did the previous resident have animals? Does the smell linger throughout the house? Here are a few tips that will help you eliminate unwelcomed home odors today.

1. Ventilate the home.

Many homes on the market have been in foreclosure sitting empty for a long period forcing a halt to air flow movement leaving an unpleasant musty, mildew scent. Thus, open up windows immediately. Leave windows open overnight prior to moving in if possible. Turn on fans and air conditioning units to start circulating the air easing the abandon house smell.

2. Use vinegar.

Mix half a cup of distilled vinegar with half a cup of regular water and use to clean counter tops, floors and walls absorbing disagreeable home smells as you clean. It won't stain or cause any harm to animals and/or humans, so it is a safe option. Vinegar is effective in absorbing smells.

3. Bake cinnamon.

Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on it. Add a tablespoon of butter and set the oven at 250 degrees. It instantly fills the home with the scent of freshly baked goods helping to mask unwanted smells.

4. Sprinkle baking soda.

Shake baking soda over carpets and let it sit overnight then vacuum. If you have pets allow the baking soda to soak for only a few hours before vacuuming keeping your pets safe. Baking soda helps draw odors out of fabrics and carpets.

5. Soak a few onions.

Odors seep into walls and fabrics of a home. To rid these smells you need a means of pulling the odors out and trapping them. An onion is capable of handling such a task. Cut up a few onions and place in a bowl of cold water. Put the bowl in the room and/or closet needed and it shall successfully eliminate any remodeling fumes and/or odors. You may notice a difference as quickly as overnight.

6. Mix vanilla extract into your house paint.

If you are moving into a home then the odds of you repainting the home interior is high. To remove the smells of paint during the touch-up process include a couple of tablespoons of vanilla extract into a gallon of paint. The vanilla extract will not affect the paint color making it an easy, cheap solution to a common house problem.

7. Use scented products.

There are many products on the market specifically made to create specific smells for the house. Some of these products include scented candles, scented oils, incense, potpourri, and carpet cleaners. Find a scent you prefer and buy scented products accordingly. It will assist in disguising whatever disgusting smell is in your home.

Odor Eliminator Candles

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How to Eliminate Unwanted Odors in Your House

Odor Eliminator Candles