Remove Spots and Odors the Easy Way and Keep Your Carpet Cleaner
Odor EliminatorPurchasing the perfect carpet is not an easy task, so when you feel like you have found the right one; you want to keep it looking brand new. Well, as close to brand new as possible. Let's face it, carpet is not cheap, and it is the most noticeable decoration in your room.
When there is an accident that causes a potential stain, you want to know how to combat it, and simply make it disappear. Children and pets are the worst mess makers when it comes to carpets. It seems like as soon as you turn your back, there is a new spot that causes you to panic. However, you can relax; there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are several tips and tricks for removing spots, stains, and odors from your beautiful carpets.
When you are dealing with odors, from a pet, cooking, or a smoker in your home, a spray odor remover can work wonders. However, there are some cases where the odor is just too strong for a light sprits, and needs a more thorough remover. Believe it or not, vinegar is what you need.
Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and sprits away the odor for good. It will absorb the smell, and leave the carpet fresh and odor free. When you are dealing with pet odors, like urine, you need to focus on the root of the odor, which is the uric acid. This is what makes the urine crystallize after it has dried. If the urine has dried, chances are it has crystallized down in the pad of the carpet. You can sprinkle the area with baking soda, and brush it deep into the pile of your carpet with a brush. Let it absorb for a while, and then vacuum it out.
If it is a difficult spot, it may take another treatment. In addition, there are some very good odor eliminators on the market specifically designed to remove urine odors. Try one, and see if it works for you. Just be sure to read the instructions completely, and follow them to the letter.
Stains can be a little tougher to remove. Although there are still more stain removers floating around in the market place, you can still find some great alternatives for a fraction of the price.
Did you know that salt can not only help remove a stain, but can make your carpet look brighter? When you have a stain, pour some regular table salt on the stain, and let it soak up the mess, and simply vacuum it away. When you are finished, your carpet will have a fresh new look. Sometimes the stain has gone all the way down to the carpet pad, and you have to treat it from there.
This is when you need to pull up your carpet and work from the pad up. Use a gentle detergent and some warm water, and scrub the carpet pad. Let the dirty water run out of the carpet, and when the pad is clean, use another method from the topside. Using baking soda or salt at this point will pull the stain right on out of the carpet.
Another thing that can cause irritation is the little spots that form when the furniture sits on the carpet for too long at a time. Then when you move it, there are the little matted places. If you place an ice cube on the spots, and let them melt, the carpet will spring right back into shape. If you don't want to wait for the ice cubes to melt, or just don't have time, you can sprits the matted spots with water, and fluff the pile up with a brush. Just be gentle with your fluffing, you don't want to weaken your carpet fibers. That can cause weak spots that can fray. So be kind to your carpets, and keep them looking beautiful for years to come!
Jim Thornton has been cleaning carpets for many years. In that time many methods of carpet cleaning have been used but the best carpet cleaning results have been achieved using dry foam extraction. For more information go to