Read through How to Deal With the Smell of Dead Mice far more

So you're one of those unfortunate few whose humble abode has been affected by the smell of dead mice. It's a hideous smell that seems like it will never go away. How could something so horrible ever fade away as a distant memory?  You might even be thinking of moving to a hotel!!  I can't say that I blame you, but there is hope.

I'm sure you've tried everything under the son to get rid of the stench. How many candles have you lit?  Where's the potpourri?  If that's your idea of dealing with the smell, it's not going to work.  This will merely mask it, and I'm guessing if you're reading this... It probably didn't work so well.

How do you deal with this problem? This may seem obvious, but you have to get rid of the dead mouse. I'm not saying that to be funny either.  As long as there is decay, it will stink.  Easy as that. Even after handling the dead mouse, you may still be left with a smell because your furniture, carpet, walls, whatever absorbed the pungent odor.  Don't buy something to mask the smell, eliminate it.

What happens if you can't find the dead mouse?  Hate to say it, but you're going to have to outlast it.  When the mouse is completely dried out, the stench will eventually fade.  Depending on the rate of decay though, this can take weeks, maybe even months.  Again, don't try to mask the smell.  Get an odor eliminator.  What sets the two apart is that an odor eliminator will bond with the smell and neutralize it before it reaches your nose, whereas a perfume simply mixes with the odor... at that point who knows which is worse?  Dying mouse or dying mouse with ridiculously over done perfume?

In conclusion, it's two simple steps.  Remove the source.  Eliminate (not mask) the odor.

Still can't figure out how to take care of that nasty dead mouse smell? Visit Jerry's blog for more tips and tricks to get rid of mice.

How to Deal With the Smell of Dead Mice

Odor Eliminator

Read through Prevent Trash Can Odor far more


Food that has fallen behind the liner, dirty diapers, discarded meat packaging, mold, and bacteria; any of these can cause odor in household trash receptacles. Not only can this make your house smell terrible, but it can be unhealthy for your entire family. The best thing to do would be to keep your trash receptacle clean and to use a liner. Sometimes though, after cleaning your trash can and even using a liner every time, the can may develop odors that are hard to get rid of. This is due to mold and bacteria that can grow in the can itself. This is especially true in porous plastic cans. How can we eliminate and prevent trash can odor?

Commercial Products

There are a lot of commercial products available that claim to eliminate odors. The problem with some of them, like fragrance sprays and candles, is that they do not eliminate the odor; they simply mask it or cover it up. In order to prevent trash receptacle odor, you want to use products that will eliminate the cause. The cause of most trash can odors is the mold and bacteria that develops after food has fallen behind the lining. If that food is not removed each time the liner is replaced, it can grow mold that will attach itself to the can. You can use commercial cleaners such as bleach and borax to get rid of the mold and bacteria; then you can use Lysol to prevent future odors.

• Bleach - always use manufacturer instructions to dilute and never mix household chemicals. You can soak the trash can in a solution of bleach and hot water and then use a brush to scrub the inside. Rinse the can thoroughly and turn it upside down in your tub or shower to dry.

• Borax: you can use warm water and borax to clean your trash can by using the same process as with bleach. When the can is dry, sprinkle a little of the borax in the bottom to prevent trash can odor. Be careful though, borax is very toxic so keep it away from children and pets.

Natural Remedies

If you are looking for more environmentally conscious ways to prevent trash receptacle odor, you can try using baking soda or white vinegar.

• Baking soda - you can make a paste with baking soda and a damp rag to wash out your trash receptacle each week. Simply remove any food and debris that is in the bottom of the can. You can then take the can outside and use a garden hose, or you can take it to your bathtub and rinse it out thoroughly. Then, sprinkle baking soda throughout the can and scrub it with a damp cloth or sponge. This is an inexpensive method that is healthy for the entire family and safe for your plumbing.

• White vinegar - a solution of one part white vinegar and ten parts water can be used to wash the inside of your trash to eliminate and to prevent odors. It is safe for your drains so you can discard the mixture in your sink.

Prevent Trash Can Odor

Go through Get Rid of Foot Odor far more

Foot odor is the most disturbing thing for you and for the people around. It is important to get rid of foot odor in order to avoid discomfort and embarrassment. Foot odor is a common problem and it mainly occurs when we keep wearing closed shoes for longer hours. This keeps the feet damp and allows the growth of bacteria and fungus. These bacteria produce a highly unpleasant smell as they tend to feed on the dead skin cells.

Foot odor is very common all over the world and it makes one's life highly miserable. The unpleasant smell coming from one's feet is highly noticed and people tend to feel very bad in such circumstances. Foot odor or Bromhidrosis is an irritating condition and everyone wants to get rid of this. It mainly happens when you do not give proper attention to cleanliness and washing of your feet. It is therefore important to take good care of your feet in order to avoid any such embarrassing and painful situation.

Many people face this problem of smelly feet and they can easily handle this by focusing more on washing their feet repeatedly. There are some ways in which one can permanently remove this foot odor and get his normal life back again. One should adopt some easy routine tips that will allow him to get rid of smelling feet. If you are facing this problem of foot odor, you should make some changes in your routine and adopt some ways in which you can effectively minimize the bad odor if not permanently remove it.

One should wash his feet with water many times a day and make sure that they are properly dry before wearing socks or shoes. Wearing close toe shoes for longer hours can worsen the situation as it leads to higher perspiration. High concentration of moisture in the feet leads to accumulation of different bacteria that cause a bad smell.

One should try to keep his feet dry and open most of the times. Washing feet many times a day proves helpful. The use of foot deodorants and special soaps can also help. If you have this problem of smelly feet and want to know how to stop foot odor, you should follow these simple instructions related to daily routine in order to feel a significant change. One should use pure cotton socks and special use that have some sort of ventilation that lets the air pass through.

There are some other tips that can be used to effectively cure this problem. One should soak his feet in a solution of vinegar and water for some time. These procedures, if repeated can help a lot in reducing the bad smell. There are some other tips as well that have been in use since long and can help cure this situation. One can apply some anti perspiring spray to his feet before wearing shoes. One can make some slight changes in his diet and take zinc supplement to reduce the level of perspiration but it should be taken with great care.

No matter what the level of this problem is, one should try to reduce and eliminate it as soon as possible. There is no need to bear this situation when one can find a solution to this easily. It is important to find the answer to this situation and answer this question about how to get rid of foot odor as quickly as possible.


Get to know more useful information on foot odor causes. Understand the symptoms and natural remedies that can help you get rid of it. Learn how to stop foot odor. Start your day with the aroma of confidence!

Get Rid of Foot Odor


Read through Be Sure You Are Ready To Sell Before You Put You Home On The Market - Avoid All Surprises! much more

Be Sure You Are Ready To Sell Before You Put You Home On The Market - Avoid All Surprises!

Odor Eliminator

Odor Eliminator

Are you a real estate agent or a homeowner trying to sell a home in this down housing market?

When I put my home market I had the heat pump checked by the manufacturer's approved service company to be sure that it was operating properly and efficiently.

I had the plumbing, plumbing fixtures including solar water heaters and septic tank system with it Solar Aerator checked out by qualified service companies. I had the Septic Tank Solar Aerator installed to avoid additional electric charges and to prolong the life of the drain field.

I had the windows, screens, windowsills, doors and storm doors cleaned and checked to be sure that they were all working properly without squeaking.

I had the roofing checked and the gutters cleaned. While the roofing contractor was on the roof I had new odor eliminator media socks installed in my roof vent filters. I did not want a repeat of what had happened before I installed the filters on all the roof vent pipes. I had sewer gas being pulled into the house through the fresh air vents on the heat pump when it was running, in the widows when they were open. Many a pool party was ruined when the breeze changed and the rotten egg odor migrated to the pool area. Sometimes when there was little or no breeze the odor came in the exhaust vents in the bathrooms or kitchen when they were turned off.

I had the chimneys checked to be sure there was no creosote build up, the cause of chimney fires.

I had the closets and storage space; basement and attics; garages and outbuildings; cabinets and appliances all checked to be sure that they were in excellent working order.

I did the same thing in the garden and pool area; I did not want any surprises. We had built the property originally as energy efficient as possible when it was constructed.

We sold the property in a short time at our asking price, so we fill we made the right decisions when preparing to market our home.

Dick Pennington Check out my site Email or call me for more information! 1-484-624-4909 Pennington Equipment Company Life Customer Service Toll Free: 1-888-261-4726 VoiceFax: 1-866-422-0018 []

Go through Treatments of Eczema - Calm Irritating Eczema Immediately far more

Treatments of Eczema - Calm Irritating Eczema Immediately

Odor Eliminator

Treatments of Eczema - One thing I know about eczema skin is that it often gets inflamed, red hot and itchy. It is nearly impossible to hold back from scratching frantically.

When I suffered with eczema, especially as a child, I was always scratching. Even as my mother watched and tried to persuade me not too, the urge was far too strong. It was worse at night whilst I lay in bed. It could have been because it was so warm under the blankets. Anyway, I scratched and scratched. I would scratch frantically until my nails were embedded with dried skin and blood.

But its not the fault of the eczema sufferer. What is needed is some kind of anti-inflammatory remedy to help calm the skin down. Something that would reduce the inflammation and reduce the effect of food or substance irritants on the skin.

There are external creams and ointments but I would rather take something natural internally.

Wheatgrass juice did the trick for me.

So what is wheatgrass juice and what can it do for your eczema skin?

#1 - Treatments of Eczema

Wheatgrass juice is one of the only plant foods on earth that can nourish you from birth to old age. It will deliver superior nutrients to your skin.

#2 - Wheatgrass juice supports your skin, heart, lungs and liver. It is an excellent free radical eliminator and will calm down your skin.

#3 - Wheatgrass juice is excellent for healing and repairing the skin. Wheatgrass dramatically speeds it up.

If you want to learn more about curing your Eczema fast go to:

Discover the 8 steps to transform your skin with raw foods at:

Start the healing process with a detox at:

Understand Gum Removal Equipment - Eliminating Chewing Gum on Concrete extra

Gum Removal Equipment - Eliminating Chewing Gum on Concrete

Odor Eliminator

Gum removal equipment utilized for removing chewing gum from concrete should be high quality. Additionally, it should have a few features that will help contractors remove gum efficiently and quickly without damaging the concrete surface. Purchasing low-quality steam cleaners sold as gum removal machines are not sufficient for this task. Commercial steam cleaners fitted with gum eliminating mechanisms are the best investment, as these machines run longer and last for years. Some of the most important features of gum removal equipment are mentioned below.


Gum removal equipment often creates temperatures as high as 386°F. Such high temperatures are needed for almost instant disbanding of gum. Even hardened gum is softened and removed easily if you have a machine with the right temperature. There are other reasons the gum remover should have high temperatures. These machines are used for many applications other than removing chewing gum.

Hot steam is required for cleaning stoves, bathrooms, kitchens, sinks, mattresses, floors, and many other surfaces. With added anti-bacterial technologies, these machines can also help eliminate more than 99 percent of commonly found germs and bacteria on the surface.

Heat and Corrosion Resistance

Heat, rust, and corrosion reduce the life of gum eliminating equipment. Therefore, you need to purchase machines that are corrosion resistant and can withstand high temperatures. One of the features to look out for is the material the components of gum eliminating machines are constructed with. Stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion, heat, and high pressure. This is the reason boilers and heating elements built of steel last longer than aluminum boilers.

For an added guarantee of boiler quality, look for gum eliminating machines that have a lifetime warranty on the boiler. This will considerably reduce repair costs should the boiler need replacement. Self cleaning boilers do not require intensive maintenance.

Detailing Tools

The chewing gum removal accessory kit provided with the machine should contain stainless steel and brass brushes, plus steel wool to remove gum from concrete. Sidewalk gum eliminator requires daily attention, which is why harder, durable steel brushes are preferable to brass brushes, which work better on softer surfaces. Detailing kits also contain nylon brushes for handling polished or surfaces not scratch resistant, including glass and enamel. Pay attention to the detailing tools as they will help you use gum removers for applications other than concrete gum eliminator. These tools will help you clean granite, glass, hardwood, tiles, marble, ceramic, metal, and many other types of surfaces.

Continuous Use

Concrete gum eliminating machine should be able to work for hours without interruption. This is why you need machines designed to run nonstop. One of the drawbacks of conventional steam cleaners is their limited operation duration due to loss of water and pressure in the boilers. If the boiler can be filled while the machine is running, it raises productivity by eliminating the need for frequent pauses. This is just what high-end commercial gum eliminating machines do. The boiler is refilled multiple times when the machine is still in operation, thus maintaining constant temperature and pressure levels.

Buyers should weigh all available options when choosing gum removal equipment. The best machines for concrete and sidewalk gum eliminating projects have all or most of the features mentioned above.

Daimer Industries is a leading supplier of gum removal equipment. Daimer provides a complete range of gum removers including steam cleaners, chewing gum removing machine and many more.

Read through Vaginal Discharge Odor - Amazing Natural Cures! additional


Many women complain about having vaginal discharge odor and following treatments without any results. This can be embarrassing for you and ruined your self confidence as a woman. The good news is that you can use all natural remedies for vaginal discharge.

Having a vaginal discharge is normal for a woman. However, when it is abundant or smelly there is a problem. Usually, it is because of an infection. If the colour is white and resemble cottage cheese than you suffer from vaginal yeast infection. If the colour is yellow with a strong odor than you have bacterial vaginosis. The best way to find out what caused your vaginal discharge odor is to go to your doctor and do a whiff test.

If your test suggests that you have the smelly discharge due to yeast infection, you can try cure it all naturally. This is cheaper than buying expensive antibiotics or over-the-counter soaps and creams which treat only the symptoms and not the cause of your smelly vagina.

There are several homemade cures for vaginal candidiasis that work very well in curing yeast fungus. The best I have found that work are vinegar, tea tree oil or hydrogen peroxide. You can use them as a douche. However, ovoid to have a douche daily as this will destroy your normal bacterial flora in your vagina.

For a long lasting yeast infection cure you have to keep a diet which reduces high carbohydrate foods, sugar, alcohol, and white bread. These usually help your yeast fungi grow in your body. Also, you can help your gastro-intestinal flora have a good balance by taking acidophilus. You can find it easy on natural food stores.

After countless research I found a great product which will show you step-by-step all you need to know about vaginal discharge odor and curing candida for good. You can have a look here for more information about natural cures for yeast infection.

Vaginal Discharge Odor - Amazing Natural Cures!


Read Pet Odor Remover - 6 Easy Steps to Get Rid of the Pet Odor additional

Pet Odor Remover - 6 Easy Steps to Get Rid of the Pet Odor

Odor Eliminator

Are you sick and tired of being constantly frustrated because of the pet stains on your carpet? Would you like to solve the pet odor issue once and for all and be able to invite your friends at any time? Well, if that is the case then you've found the right article because today we are giving away 6 free easy steps on how to get rid of the pet odor easily.

It is well known that everyone likes their pets. That's why we have pets, to love and take care of them. However, not all of us are fond of their unbearable "smelliness". But, don't panic. There are many solutions and today we are going to offer you one of the oldest yet most efficient. Let's begin by mentioning that early detection of the pet scent is crucial because you need to get rid of it before it becomes a permanent fixture.

Step 1

The first thing you should do when trying to get rid of the pet odor is actually finding the mess. The exact location is very important, that's why you should use both your nose and eyes in order to locate it. After the spot detection use a piece of chalk to highlight the stain (in case it is invisible).

Step 2

Step number two begins with you going to the local hardware store and purchasing an ordinary, but one hundred percent environmentally safe pet odor remover. Before buying make sure that it does contain a biological odor eliminator. You need that in order to be able to break down the stain. If you are not sure about using it on your own carpet do a spot test first and see if it doesn't provide any discoloration.

Step 3

In step three you have to actually remove the stains by applying the purchased pet odor remover. Please note down that if the stain is quite fresh you might want to use some towels and press them into the stain a few times in order to absorb as much moisture as possible. Also make sure that you follow the step by step instructions on the pet odor removal product for maximum efficiency.

Step 4

You can also use either a wet or a dry vacuum cleaner if it is necessary. Using a wet vacuum is recommended only in case you are dealing with a number of old stains and having some trouble getting rid of them. Use it to clean thoroughly both the carpet and underneath.

Step 5

Wash everything that is related to your pet: bedding and any other textiles in the areas where your pet spends the most time. Do it carefully and you are going to see good results sooner then you expected. Use an ordinary detergent for washing. Some recommend adding baking soda but we consider a good strong detergent will do the job.

Step 6

In case you want to be absolutely sure that you are going to get rid of the pet odor from your house once and for all - use a carpet deodorizer from time to time to keep the smelling fresh.

Even though these six easy steps to get rid of the pet odor work fine there is still the chance that if you don't regularly clean after your pet the scent might return. For more information about various pet odor remover products visit our website. We offer free advice for all your possible pet odor removal needs. You deserve to keep your house always fresh!

Read How Does Plantex All-in-One Solution Help Manufacturing Companies Save the Environment much more

Plantex All-in-One Solution helps speed up the decomposition process of biodegradable wastes, while its catalytic action induces fermentation progression. The magnetic repellant of sodium and potassium leads to the molecular separation of molecular cellulose thus allowing faster digestion of bacteria of the waste. Mix 2 kilos of Plantex Biozym plus 5 kg. rice bran per ton of organic or biodegradable waste plus chicken/hog manure or any organic garbage and rice straw by spreading evenly on a 10cm. thick layer pile. Multiple layering can be done up to maximum height of 1 meter. Cover the pile with tarpaulin or inexpensive plastic sheets. Turn pile up and down every 3-5 days intervals. Fermentation should be completed after 15 days depending on the type of organic material used.

Plantex All-in-One Solution removes the source of odor as it cleans & disinfects. Kills and breaks down the cells of odor-producing bacteria, and stops its growth, breaks the hazardous gaseous compounds (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc.), and releases these to the air, thereby eliminating the source of odor. Eliminates toxic gases like hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, mercaptans, etc. and converts them into usable acids. Mix 1 liter solution with 50-100 liters of water Can be applied to Sewerage Treatment Plants, Manufacturing Plants, Dump Sites, Garbage Area, Storage Rooms, Hospital Waste, Garbage Bins, Rest Rooms, Slaughter houses, Hog Farms, Poultry, Funeral Wastes, Factory Wastes, Public markets, Pet Shops, Carpet Cleaners, Janitorial Services

Plantex All-in-One Solution is a very powerful disinfectant because of its alkalinity (pH 13) of its enzymatic action that breaks the cell wall of microbes of which are primarily proteins, back to their basic elemental form or into simple molecules. Microbes can be digested easily by the combined actions of Plantex All-In-On Solution. It is highly effective as powerful cleaner because it disinfects while it cleans. It inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Several Laboratory test (i.e. VIC, ITDI, NSRI, BRSL) revealed that Plantex Solution is capable of killing & controlling the following major pathogens and other secondary organisms when properly used. Mix 1 liter solution with 10 - 30 liters of water. Can be applied to buildings, facilities, hotel facilities, garbage area, Restrooms, Toilets and Urinals, Glass and Kitchen sink, Slaughterhouses, Hospital facilities, Restaurants

Plantex Biozyme Powdered Form Micro Aid Activator contains beneficial & effective micro-organisms that produce potent enzymes which could breakdown any biodegradable solids and organic & inorganic (i.e. oil & grease) substances in liquid waste, thus preventing the accumulation of sludge. It corrects the acidity of wastewater and rapidly lowers biological oxygen demand as well as chemical oxygen demand and while the same time rapidly reduce total solids. In addition, it kills all disease producing microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi & parasites) thus preventing them to spread in the ground water bodies. It neutralizes virulent gas from hydrogen sulfide & amonia released and removes the foul odor coming from the decomposition process of endol, eskatol, mercaptants & etc. It converts sludge and treated liquid waste water into a solid and liquid fertilizer. Treats wastewater to meet DENR waste water discharge parameters that produce variety of potent enzymes that kills all disease producing microbes (bacteria, fungi, viruses & parasites) present in the above environment, thus preventing bacterial disease in aquatic & marine life. It also catalyzes the breakdown of any organic or inorganic substance and degrade/digest it; allowing enough oxidation and making the water clean & clear.

Plantex Bioplus Liquid Concentrate plays a major role in this process which is necessary for the appropriate catalytic enzymes that break down different types of organic and in organic wastes in the sewerage such fats, oils, starch, sugar, cellulose, protein, nitrates, and phosphates. It serves as coagulant agent and totally eradicate foul or pungent odor. It reduces sludge and total suspended solids and reduces coli form thus neutralizing the pH level. It is a highly concentrated plant extract mostly coming from musa paradisiaca uniquely combined with various earth minerals (clay extracts) from highly weathered subsoil tropical environment. Modified during the formulation process with a series of magnetic and electronic transformations, it is a powerful solution that will absorb heavy metals such as Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni) & etc. and will contribute the drastic reduction of COD and BOD in waste water and tap water. Use Plantex BioPlus Liquid Concentrate depending on Laboratory Testing of the parameters/area for treatment Dilution Ratio : 1 liter = 200 up to 1,000 liters of water. Can be applied to Septic Tanks, Sewerage Treatment Plants, Sequence Batch Reactors

AS TREATMENT FOR WASTEWATER FROM FACTORY MILLS, BOILER, REFINERY, CANALS & DRAINAGE : Use at least 30 kilos of Plantex Biozyme Powdered Form for every 60,000 gallons of wastewater. Aeration applied within 24 hours at any time through any season but preferably at noontime specially during cold season to promote the bacteria treating temperature requirement of at least 30 degrees Cent. Apply 5 liters of Plantex Bio Plus per 30,000 gallons of wastewater.

How Does Plantex All-in-One Solution Help Manufacturing Companies Save the Environment

Odor Eliminator Candles

Examine Oust Air Sanitizer a lot more

Oust is a brand of powerful disinfectant products from Johnson & Son. Sometimes simply wiping counter tops and surfaces clean isn't enough-the house might still be smelly, which can only mean the germs are still around, alive and kicking. Airborne bacteria are another matter. Surface cleaning brands like Mr. Clean, Vim, and Pine Sol can't get to these germs, but is that an excuse? No it isn't. Besides, you can always rely on Oust to disinfect and purify your home.

Here is a list of Oust products and their uses:

* Oust Air Sanitizer and Surface Disinfectant - This is a new product for Oust, and the next logical step from the original Air Sanitizer. Oust Air and Surface Disinfectant combines the power of a surface disinfectant with an air sanitizer, so you hit kill birds with one stone. Simply spray directly on a non-porous surface and rinse afterwards.

* Oust Candle - An Oust Candle is not just any other candle. Most scented candles remove foul odors by mixing odor particles in the air with perfume. But not the Oust Candle. An Oust Candle literally drives bad odor out your home by eliminating the odor-causing particles. Not bad for "just" a candle.

* Oust Upholstery & Carpet Odor Eliminator - Oust Upholstery & Carpet Odor Eliminator works very hard to eliminate odor from sofas, carpets, cushions, rugs, shoes, curtains and other fabrics. It leaves a light fresh scent and is easy to use. Simply spray a small amount directly on the fabric and you're done. Nice and easy.

Oust products used to focus on air sanitation, but not anymore. The modern market forced Johnson & Son to think up ways to compete with other cleansing products, and the solution was to go for air and surface issues. You can count on Oust sanitizing products to take care of all your stinky and bacteria-ridden household dilemmas.

Odor Eliminator Candles
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Oust Air Sanitizer

Examine Hunting Whitetail Deer - Scent and Common Sense additional

Hunting Whitetail Deer - Scent and Common Sense

Odor Eliminator

It is, by far, one of the quickest vanishing acts in nature and anyone who has spent much time hunting whitetail deer has seen it more than once. One moment you're holding your breath, pulse pounding, as your quarry slowly makes its way into range. Then, in the space of a few loud heartbeats, the animal's muscles tense, its ears cock, and with a few graceful bounds your deer waves a tail in farewell and is quickly out of sight. Sounds familiar, huh? What caused this wake-up call in the middle of your dream hunt? The most likely answer is your scent.

Whitetail deer are remarkably equipped for sensing danger in their environment. Their senses of sight and hearing are amazing survival tools. If you're moving around a little too much, or making unnatural noises in or near your stand, your chances of a successful hunt are reduced considerably. But walk into the woods without keeping the human scent factor in mind and you might as well go in turning cartwheels and banging a drum. A snoot full of human scent will cause any deer, from the smallest fawn to the most majestic buck, to make tracks for the next county.

Scent reduction is desirable while deer hunting with any type of weapon, but is of paramount importance when armed with a bow or handgun. When hunting with these weapons, a big factor in your success will be remaining undetected long enough to get an opportunity for a close shot So, how can you reduce the chance of human odor standing in the way of your deer hunting success? Even with the many scent "elimination" products available today, which I'll write more about, it's impossible to completely eliminate unwanted human scent. But they can be a great tool to help reduce the chance you'll be winded by game. The use of these products along with some common sense may just reduce your scent to a manageable level and give you the edge you need to bag that whitetail deer.

The single most important factor in not being defeated by scent on your next hunt is to pay the utmost attention to wind direction. The wind can be your staunchest ally or your ultimate enemy. It is imperative that the area where you expect to see deer is upwind from your stand. If not, no matter how slight the breeze, you are most probably in for a long and uneventful hunt. Your best chance to harvest a whitetail is to keep the animal upwind from you, or at least in a crosswind, at all times. If possible, have several stand locations so that no matter the wind direction, you'll be in a downwind position to hunt a likely area. A common mistake made by deer hunters is that of contaminating an excellent stand site by hunting it in the wrong wind. Be patient and wait for a favorable wind before hunting your favorite stand. Once deer have been spooked from an area by human scent, it could take them quite awhile to feel comfortable visiting that location again.

Develop a scent elimination ritual each time you deer hunt. Wash your body thoroughly prior to every hunting trip with a scent eliminator soap. There are some excellent and fairly inexpensive body wash products available that will greatly reduce human odor. The brand I use is called "Scent Killer." It's available in both bar and liquid form, and also as a shampoo. Once you have showered with a scent elimination product, don't undo all your efforts by drying off with a fabric softener-scented towel, causing you to now walk the woods smelling like flowery fresh laundry. Instead, wash the towel, and your hunting clothes in one of the laundry detergents designed to reduce human scent. Wash every stitch of fabric you plan to wear or carry into the woods. When leaving for your deer hunt, bring along a good quality scent neutralization spray to apply just before you begin your trek into the woods. All of these scent elimination products are readily available at sporting goods stores which carry hunting products, or by mail order over the internet.

Another tactic available to the serious hunter is the endless line of scent reduction apparel available today. If you're willing to spend the money, modern hunting clothes have been produced using activated carbon impregnated in their fabrics. The clothes are designed to trap and absorb human odors before they escape into the environment and, ultimately, into the nose of your prey. Virtually any hunting apparel item you can think of is available using this technology. It may be a good idea to do some research before you invest in any of this clothing as the jury is still out on whether it's effective enough to be worth its considerable expense. A full set of these clothes for hunting in cooler weather (shirt, pants, socks, jacket, boots, hat, and gloves) can easily set you back 300 to 500 dollars.

After doing everything you can to minimize your scent prior to your hunt, use some common sense on your trip to your chosen hunting area. Do not smoke or ride in a smoke-filled vehicle on your way to your hunt. Avoid stopping at a restaurant or other public indoor venue on your ride. You will absorb odors in any indoor public place you visit. After your car trip and before entering the woods, spray your body thoroughly with a scent eliminator spray, paying particular attention to your hands and feet. Wear scent reduction boots and gloves if you have them. When walking to your stand, always approach slowly, quietly, and, if possible, with the wind in your face. You never know if a deer has arrived at your stand site before you. Try to limit the touching of plants and limbs as much as possible on your way in. No matter how complete your efforts at scent reduction, you will leave some scent trail as you make your way to your stand.

Remember that nothing you can do will totally eliminate your natural human scent. The most important thing to remember is to play the wind. It should be pointed out that hunters have been taking whitetail deer throughout history without any of the new-fangled high-tech aids I've mentioned. The best any of these products and tips can do is to reduce your chances of being busted by the wily nose of a whitetail and having to sit through that vanishing act one more time.

Examine Odor Control Products - Eliminates Offensive Odors far more

Using odor control products is one of the most effective ways to eliminate offensive odors and fill your home and office interior with a pleasing fragrance. Products ranging from air fresheners, dry deodorants, liquid deodorants and odor digesters to fan dispensers and gel packs are now available with online stores. Their vast inventory makes it easy to choose the brand and model you prefer.

Dry Deodorizers for Commercial Applications

The product comes as gel, dry deodorizers and liquid deodorizers. The dry deodorizers come in fresh smelling fruit and floral fragrances like Bayberry, Cinna, lemon and more. They offer full, clear, and robust representations without oily or artificial overtones and are ideal for use in commercial deodorizing applications.

Liquid and Gel Deodorizers

The major cause for foul odor is the bacteria generated from the accumulated dirt. Today, many of the odor eliminator products like liquid deodorizers come with enhanced capacity to control odor by eliminating the microbes causing foul smell. They are available in water-soluble concentrated formulas containing high levels of fragrance, surfactant and bacteria for 24-hour odor control. A popular model, Bio Conqueror 105 can be effectively used with sprayers.

Gel deodorizers absorb odors in the air and convert them to non-toxic, odorless compounds. Some popular models ensure 24-hour odor control for a full 30 days.

Air Freshener Systems

Technological developments have brought great innovations in the field of odor control. Air freshener systems are one such advancement where no manual operations are required. These systems are completely self-powered. Air flow vents and a battery-operated fan disperses fragrance continuously for complete room coverage. You just need to replace their cartridges when the one inside gets over. You can enjoy lasting and effective odor control 24/7. KIMCARE Continuous Air Freshener Dispensers and SeBreeze Adjustable Fan Dispenser Automatic Odor Eliminating System are some among the automatic fragrance dispensers with premium features.

Odor Absorbing Gels

Placing odor control gels in the room are an effective strategy to freshen up the air. With their full strength aromas, they can effectively replace offensive odors that persist in your interiors with enchanting fragrances.

Odor Eliminator
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Odor Control Products - Eliminates Offensive Odors