Be Sure You Are Ready To Sell Before You Put You Home On The Market - Avoid All Surprises!
Odor EliminatorAre you a real estate agent or a homeowner trying to sell a home in this down housing market?
When I put my home market I had the heat pump checked by the manufacturer's approved service company to be sure that it was operating properly and efficiently.
I had the plumbing, plumbing fixtures including solar water heaters and septic tank system with it Solar Aerator checked out by qualified service companies. I had the Septic Tank Solar Aerator installed to avoid additional electric charges and to prolong the life of the drain field.
I had the windows, screens, windowsills, doors and storm doors cleaned and checked to be sure that they were all working properly without squeaking.
I had the roofing checked and the gutters cleaned. While the roofing contractor was on the roof I had new odor eliminator media socks installed in my roof vent filters. I did not want a repeat of what had happened before I installed the filters on all the roof vent pipes. I had sewer gas being pulled into the house through the fresh air vents on the heat pump when it was running, in the widows when they were open. Many a pool party was ruined when the breeze changed and the rotten egg odor migrated to the pool area. Sometimes when there was little or no breeze the odor came in the exhaust vents in the bathrooms or kitchen when they were turned off.
I had the chimneys checked to be sure there was no creosote build up, the cause of chimney fires.
I had the closets and storage space; basement and attics; garages and outbuildings; cabinets and appliances all checked to be sure that they were in excellent working order.
I did the same thing in the garden and pool area; I did not want any surprises. We had built the property originally as energy efficient as possible when it was constructed.
We sold the property in a short time at our asking price, so we fill we made the right decisions when preparing to market our home.
Dick Pennington Check out my site Email or call me for more information! 1-484-624-4909 Pennington Equipment Company Life Customer Service Toll Free: 1-888-261-4726 VoiceFax: 1-866-422-0018 []