If you are wanting to know how to cure bad vaginal odor naturally, there are a number of simple steps you can take which can help eliminate this rather embarrassing condition. Firstly, it is important not to feel ashamed or blame yourself-vaginal odor is rarely due to poor hygiene or neglectful practices!
By far the most common cause of this problem is the common condition known as bacterial vaginosis. This happens when there is an imbalance of the bacteria which lives in the vagina. There are so many causes of this problem, including overwashing, a change of sexual partner, eating a poor diet and even smoking. The key to dealing with it is to rebalance the levels of good and bad bacteria.
The issue with this condition is that it is not really something you can keep to yourself. The smell can be so pungent that it can be noticeable by family members, work colleagues and even, on occasion, passers-by.
If you are experiencing this problem, then to cure bad vaginal odor naturally you could start by trying the following:-
* Avoid overwashing as this can strip the vaginal area of the protective lubricants. Wash no more than twice a day, using unperfumed soap
* Do not douche
* Wear cotton underclothes. Synthetic fabrics prevent air from circulating, which can promote the growth of harmful bacteria
* Change sanitary protection regularly, even when the flow is light
* Try wearing a thin panty pad which can absorb some of the discharge and odor. Change regularly throughout the day to maintain a degree of freshness
* If you have recently changed sexual partners, try using condoms as sometimes the sperm from a "new" partner can cause a shift in the pH level in the vagina
Other simple measures for those wanting to know how to cure bad vaginal odor naturally include supplementing your diet with probiotics and a good all-round supplement and of course, eating a healthy diet.
If the odor has a distinctly fishy smell to it and the consistency is thin, then you are very likely to have bacterial vaginosis. Fortunately, with the right information and methods this can be eliminated very quickly.
Although not harmful in the early stages, untreated vaginosis can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility. If you are prone to this condition and would like to try other natural treatments, there are a couple of fast acting solutions which I recommend which will help you be rid of BV within hours. These are completely guaranteed to work and have already provided a permanent cure to thousands of women worldwide.
Please visit Eradicate BV to learn exactly how to cure bad vaginal odor naturally.