Understand Foul Feminine Odor - Get Rid of the Stink Now far more

Feminine odor comes in two basic categories. First there is the perfectly natural, pleasant and normal class of scents that arise. These are the result of the normal balance of healthy bacteria that naturally live in the reproductive tract. Then there is the other kind. You know, the ones that make you hold your breath - the ones often characterized as "fishy". The fishy smell of feminine odor is often an indication of infection and that it's time to take action and to do something.

There are many home treatments available to you to rid yourself of the second kind of vaginal odour.

Believe it or not, you can go "the herbal route" with parsley and garlic. A sliced clove of garlic and a small sprig of parsley inserted into the vagina will begin the transformation. You see, garlic has natural antiseptic qualities and can kill bacteria with no ill effects to you. Parsley can neutralize the odor with its chlorophyll. Together they will bring about a natural freshness in place of the foul feminine odor that was there.

Bathing in Epsom salts is another way to eliminate foul feminine odor. The primary function of the salt is to change the salinity of your body and kill the bacteria. It also soothes inflamed tissues.

Diet is the third way to address feminine odor. Certain foods are natural triggers for the overproduction of the bacteria that produce odor. These foods include artificial sweeteners, foods high in carbohydrates, and excessive spices. It's very important to drink enough water, say two liters each day. Fruits high in antioxidants (such as blueberries, apples, and cherries) can make a big difference.

The delicate application of tea tree oil, which is known for its anti-fungal properties, can help to eliminate feminine odor altogether. If you were to add three or so tea oil drops per cup to the water you use to wash vagina, you should detect an improved scent in a very short time.

The embarrassment of foul feminine odor doesn't have to be an obstacle to dealing with it. Still, the tips in this article can be of great help in taking care of the problem without a trip to the doctor.


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Foul Feminine Odor - Get Rid of the Stink Now
