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Getting Rid of Underarm Body Odor



Most of us probably remember first hearing all the jokes about 'b.o.' beginning around middle school. But excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is no laughing matter for the many people who suffer through it every day.

Hyperhidrosis is actually a fairly common medical condition experienced by up to 4% of the U.S. population. It is defined as 'sweating more than would be expected in a given temperature and environment.' Meaning, if you are dripping sweat sitting still in a 65-degree room, you may have hyperhidrosis.

The good news is that although there is no cure for this disorder it is quite treatable. In many cases natural remedies can be just as effective as expensive medical treatments.

Hyperhidrosis occurs as the result of a combination of factors. Genetics determine the concentration of our sweat glands but many lifestyle factors can exacerbate the condition. Hyperhidrosis may be generalized affecting the entire body or localized, meaning that only certain body parts are symptomatic. Commonly affected body parts include the hands, feet, underarms (axillary) and head/face.

Although we tend to think of sweat as being offensive smelling, the truth is that the odor isn't the sweat itself but the result of bacteria reacting with perspiration.

People with a larger number of sweat glands produce more sweat (which reacts with the bacteria) and consequently more body odor. Surprisingly enough overuse of deodorants and soap actually makes the problem worse by providing the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Medical treatments for excessive sweating and body odor do not address the bacterial issue or the lifestyle factors such as stress that can lead to the condition. The most common medical interventions include oral and topical medications that paralyze or otherwise disable sweat glands or surgical treatment.

One topical medication that is commonly given for this purpose is Botox. When injected into sweat glands the glands are temporarily paralyzed. One of the biggest disadvantages of the medical approach to treatment is that the effects are very temporary. With cessation of treatment one can expect a return of symptoms.

A more effective means of dealing with excessive sweating is to reduce the 'bad' bacteria that cause body odor. Natural remedies or supplements that serve to cleanse the body as a whole are the least invasive treatment option and are more likely to result in long-term reduction of symptoms.

Use a more natural and better way of treating your underarm body odor. Visit for more.