Understand Banish Vaginal Odor Permanently - Simple Home Remedies For Relief From Smelly Vagina far more

Banish Vaginal Odor Permanently - Simple Home Remedies For Relief From Smelly Vagina



Vaginal odor is a problem that a number of women face during their lives. Some lucky ones figure out the best cures to get rid of it while others reconcile and just bear with it. Needless to say, foul vaginal odor does affect our self esteem and confidence. It makes us reluctant to go out with our male partners. Being a constant cause of worry it impacts our sex life too.

My advice to women would be to take charge of the problem and control it. You can easily handle it with the help of simple home remedies. If you understand the cause of a smelly vagina you will be able to control the odor.

What Causes Vaginal Odor?

The most common cause of vaginal odor is bacterial vaginosis. The symptoms of this infection include a fishy smelling vaginal odor accompanied by a whitish grey vaginal discharge, itching and burning. At times change of sexual partners, douching and saturated tampons can also cause the foul smell.

Home Remedies

Simple home remedies which should give you relief in matter of days include


Soak a tampon in plain, unflavored yogurt and insert in the vagina. Yogurt with live cultures is rich in good bacteria capable of fighting off the bad bacteria responsible for vaginosis.

2.Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is slightly acidic in nature and very effective in restoring the bacterial balance in the vagina. The best way to use it is to dip a tampon in a diluted apple cider vinegar and insert into your vagina. Let it remain there for an hour or so. You will be required to dilute 1 tablespoon vinegar in 4 ounces of water.


Avoid spicy foods. Stay away from alcohol, carbonated beverages and caffeine till your fishy vaginal odor disappears completely. Include plenty of plenty of leafy green vegetables and fruits in your diet. Drink at least 2-3 liters of filtered water throughout the day to flush out harmful toxins from your body.

4.Sanitary protection

During your monthly periods make sure to change your sanitary protection regularly. Even if your flow is light do change your sanitary pads regularly. Remember to remove tampons after use.

5.Panty Liners

Make use of panty liners in case your vaginal discharge is heavy. This will absorb the discharge and reduce the odor also.

6.Protected sex

Make use of condoms when you suffer from vaginal odor even if you are using other forms of contraception.

I was a chronic vaginosis sufferer till I found an online cure which gave me relief in matter of days. No doubt, I had to try out different remedies prescribed in the online guide to figure out what works best for me. Once I did that I was able to prevent fishy smelling vaginal odor from interfering with my personal life. Thanks to this cure I have overcome my problem of a smelly vagina permanently.

Do you want to get rid of bacterial vaginosis bv permanently? Did you know that a) There is a proven all natural technique which will help you to get rid of bacterial vaginosis in a matter of under 3 days b) This technique has effectively saved the sex life of thousands of women the world over including me. Having been developed by a chronic vaginosis sufferer, this scientifically proven method will permanently relieve embarrassing vaginal odor in just 3 days. To Know more details on this please click - bacterial vaginosis bv